I live in a rugged, heavily wooded part of the Ozarks so open spaces to fly are few. So this morning I decided to fly my new Mini from the drive along the road to an open area of a few acres. I did loose track of the time and the battery alarm went off. I immediately tried to bring my drone down as I was in a good place to land. The Mini descended but stopped about 15-20 feet above the ground and refused to descend any more. As a new pilot and in a bit of a panic I let off on the left stick and the drone shot up to about 100 ft. (RTH altitude). I managed to bring it down again but again it refused to descend the final 15-20 feet. 3x and the battery died and then it did descend the final distance. So, why wouldn't it come down those last 15-20 feet? My theory is that the meadow is about 15-20 lower in elevation than my home which was home for the drone. Does this make sense or am I missing something? (It did crash on thick grass so no damage.)