National and state conservation parks are the same here in MOST Australian states.
But we have 2 states out of 8 (and a relatively easy state / territory permit system) that allows drones, when flown to CASA rules and not annoy people or wildlife.
The rest, pretty much forget it.
I can understand how hard it would be to allow drones under some conditions etc, but it obviously takes up so much time and pretty much require some sort of dept personnel to oversee it, it's too hard in the tough budget / low personnel environment they operate on . . . so in general there is a blanket ban.
Even RePL (part 107 equivalent) holders find it too hard to apply in most states, unless it's some big production with loads of time / $ / person to apply etc.
Some of our state parks have made efforts over the years to get anything man made, introduced, out of 'their' parks, seemingly early settlement history or recreational activity not in line with this natural environmental policy is on limited time for public use.
We have parks with such remote locations here in SA (South Australia), desert regions that would be awesome to cross and film by drone, still there is no special permissions granted even though there are virtually no others around 99% of the time.
Such a shame as SA, Tasmania, Victoria, NSW / ACT have some similarly fantastic National Parks areas that are no drone.