Hi, I’m new to flying drones. I recently got my DJI Air 3S in Sri Lanka, where DJI Care Refresh is not available.
I wasn’t using propeller guards at the time, and the drone was in cinematic mode. Because it was a tight corner I turned off the sensors. It first hit its propeller on a wall and...
This is my lottery try to retrieve drone, which crashed into the lake.
My Drone now is resting at the bottom of the lake in Norway with 6 days of recorded footage. 😭
Will attach last GPS coordinates, if someone can rescue it, will really appreciate it & this would be a great content.🤩...
First time this happened
I was coming down from a flight and right before landing, the droneA motors just turned off and it smashed to the ground. The battery was at 15%.
I am worried about this happening next flight does anybody have experience with this kind of incident or have a solution or...
My DJI mini 3 Pro crashed at launch, basically it flew into trees.
I received a response from DJI as based on flight records as follows:
1. The GPS signal was weak after the aircraft took off, the aircraft enter Atti mode at T=00:10;
2. Flight Time T=00:13, Relative Height H=18 m, the...
Yes, it happened. I crashed my Mavic Air 2 after having it for 7 months. Unexpected crash, totally pilot error.
My drone will be replaced by DJI, as I have Care Refresh, so that's good news.
I learned from this that you need to look carefully both sides before orbiting an object, or flying...
Had my Mavic 2 pro since 2019 and have never replaced a propeller or ever crashed it. Today as I'm doing my first gig it ran into a
a branch of a tree top and did multiple flips coming down the sidewalk. Still tried to fly although the front two arms were folded inwards. Replaced the 2 right...
Hey guys new flyer
I recently was messing around with all the features the mini 2 has and used the spiral I had the idea that it sensed whenever near something it ended up crashing and got cracked on top everything else is fine thankfully. I do have insurance but wonder if it’s worth using the...
Hi Fellow Pilots
This is regarding a recent crash that I had with my DJI Mavic pro drone. I was flying it in the mountains and was trying to capture the tree line but made a little mistake of facing my drone away from the trees which in turn did not give me any warning and crashed into a tree...
I thought I’d share my first flyaway experience. Having flown everything from tiny training aircraft through to AscTec Falcon 8’s and heavy lift Octa’s both personally and commercially for about 7 years in 15 countries, I’m very lucky to have only had 1 major crash, my fault, lost orientation...
Can I record the video of a Mavic Pro flight on the ground (either in the RC controller or in the Goggles) while the Mavic Pro is in the air? I know a video can be recorded to SD card on Mavic Pro, but is there any way to record the Mavic Pro video to a ground station?
I spend 1/2 hour with...