The Mavic Mini is my first DJI drone. Previously, I've had "toy" drones, and did a lot of work with the original Hover Passport.
I've had the MM for a few weeks, really enjoying seeing what's possible with such a tiny drone. It's been rock solid so far.
For this panorama, I used the 3-second...
I saw it from street level and had to run back to my apartment, get the drone, run to the rooftop (then back downstairs because I had to authorize the flight), go upstairs again (then back down because it was too dark and the drone refused to takeoff), go back upstairs with two 1000-lumen flashlight
I'm here to ask for suggestions.
When I am taking 360 panoramas from my M2P through the app, I get a really low resolution stitched panorama in jpg, with a resolution of 8192x4096 (Around 12MB).
Luckily it is possible to store all the raw images taken automatically by the drone to build...
DJI's native Go 4.0 app can happily take both panoramic pictures, and auto exposure bracketed (AEB) ones. - What it cannot do, is shoot both at the same time. (At least not on the M2P)
Step up; everyone's favourite quadcopter third party software solution - Litchi (Although not cheap at...
Okay... opening this thread with the best intention to populate it with a bunch of Panoramic views captured with the little being.
Today me and my critter have risen up to 75m to capture the series of shot necessary for this short Panoramic composition of a small Italian town during the...
Hi guys,
after like 3 years of being active photographer, I stopped and went inactive for like a year.
I would like to go back to business and start shooting.
I was always flying with drones, especially with the old good Mavic Pro.
There are some of my favorite vertical panoramas that I manually...
If you wanted to stitch together a six panel pano shooting straight down, how would you go about doing it? M2P.
I have a request from a client who wants an aerial shot of a construction site looking straight down onto the property. But because I am in a Class D airspace near the local airport I...
Taken from above my house this morning. Mavic Pro 2, For the first time I used the stack-smart object-median method to combine 5 shot bursts to deal with noise. 9 resulting images stitched in PS.
Taken from Lake Stevens, Mt. Baker on left, sun behind Three Fingers, Mt. Pilchuck right of center.
I'm looking for a free (or cheap if there is no ads) place to upload large photos and panoramas. I'm talking 8,000X4,000 or 28,000X14,000 pixels. I would like to create a gallery and then open a thread in this forum dedicated to sharing panoramas made with our drones to look at with VR gear...
Hey all!
I'm sure that I'm not alone in my love for the spherical panoramas that the Mavic 2 (and maybe others as well) can shoot. For the best image quality I stitch the photos myself, but then I'm left with this black sky. If you have suffered this too, suffer no more, as I've just released...
I'm watched pleny of Youtube videos, and read many forums threads (and of course the Litchi manual) but still can't get my head around this.
The panorama settings in Litchi are (iOS version):
1- Width (10 to 360 degrees)
2- Columns
3- Height (10 to 120 degrees)
4- Rows
The Width and Height...