I got my "full scale" pilot license 40 years ago, and I have over 1100 hrs of flight time.
For the vast majority of the time, you are correct, I had no AGL readout in the plane. But in 2012 I bought a shiny new Cessna C-162, and the Garmin 300 that it had did indeed provide an AGL readout, by integrating the GPS position with some terrain database.
vastly preferred having that in-cabin AGL read out, to not having it.
I live and fly in a canyon. My house is built into the rock on one side of the canyon.
If I move more than 10 feet in any direction from my rear flight, ATO and AGL very quickly diverge.
On the forward flight deck, there is one, and only one, direction where ATO and AGL remain synced, and that's flying 100 ft straight down my driveway. Any other direction, and ATO and AGL immediately diverge.
Mountain flying was always very different from flatland flying in "full scale" aircraft, and it is with drones as well.
I've always preferred mountain flying to flatland flying.
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