Part 107 Licensed
My name is 34 South from WA, and I'm a drone addict.
Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. We have a Member's Map in the Upper Right of the Title Bar. Click on "Members" and then Click on "Member's Map…" Check it out and you might find some new flying friends.
Johnny Cash once did a song, "A Boy Named Sue"… So in that tradition, I'll say< How do you do?" I find yu name "34" just too hard to remember, do you have a nickname? LoL…
Member Map

Johnny Cash once did a song, "A Boy Named Sue"… So in that tradition, I'll say< How do you do?" I find your name "34" just too hard to remember, do you have a nickname, maybe "17?" LoL…
My user name is LoudThunder and I go by LT for short… Oh my gosh, I feel a Teachable Moment coming on…
And if you do not want to remember that, remember this for your Part 107 Exam… Cumulonimbus are Thunder Storm Clouds and you will see lightning and hear LoudThunder. This is the Mature Stage and you will see Rain fall. Remember that and I guarantee you will get at least one question right…
Fly On and Fly Safe…