If you look at that link I gave you before, the where to fly your drone, there is this section:
Order a “No drone zone” sign
“No drone zone” signs are available in various formats for airport, aerodrome, heliport and seaplane base authorities to post around the boundaries of their properties.
SO, just anyone can download it, post it, and that becomes enforceable? ( I am not talking about airports, heliports, etc..
I mean ANYONE can download this and put it up if they dont want drone around.
I'm sorry, I dont want any pot heads smoking around my house too, where is the sign that I can download and put up to tell them that?
They bought the land, nothing below, excluding all mines and minerals, and they sure as hell never bought the air above thier property.
Canada is so dumb, they put more regulations on toy drones than they did on the drug users and thier pot.
Thanks CANADA.
Where's my sign?