Looking at the log, there was NO GPS at the launch site. The log also is pretty clear a homepoint was NEVER recorded during the flight, just lots of weak GPS reports. So what the log reports for Home.IsHomeRecord is false and likely from a prior flight, not the current flight.
First line in log:
No GPS signal. Aircraft unable to hover. Fly with caution (Code: 30008).; AGPS signal weak. Hovering unstable. Fly with caution (Code: 30002).; No GPS. Fly with caution.
Another pointer that the GPS was useless is this flag:
The GPS wasn't even being used until 8 seconds in, then the drone fought a position mismatch with the IMU for another 1.2 seconds. More evidence this was real is that the drone was slewing sideways without any control input, aka drifting.
Oh well, ignore what the log says, I guess.
So guys ... as you know, the TXT log only records from motor start to motor stop ... right?To add - his screen shot showed the "no gps fly with caution" warning. No gps = no home point
What do you think happens if you power on your drone, let it acquire a high quality sat lock with a GPSlevel on at least 4 of 5 ... yeah, a HP is recorded. If you then carry your drone a short distance away where it loses the sat lock, yeah ... the GPSlevel drops to zero, there you start the motors for take-off & the TXT log starts recording. That TXT log will show a initial GPSlevel on zero but with a HP recorded ... just like in the OP's case. The HP was recorded before the motor started & when he took off he had a lousy GPS reception which meant that the HP wasn't refreshed during take off, that's why you don't find it in the Airdata listing.
The log isn't false at all, it shows exactly what happened ... & @eEridani , it wasn't a flight before this one ... the cell voltages was still well above 4,2V when the log started... no flight was conducted prior the one we look at. And if you mean that an even older HP was saved ... then you're wrong, with a power cycle all previous recorded HP's are gone.
If the OP have had the failsafe action on RTH instead of Land he hadn't posted here on the forum ... as the drone very likely had returned to the yellow star in the sat pic. below (the recorded HP).
And for your info ... the Airdata log is severely crippled only showing very few of the available data posts & on top of that, Airdata puts their own interpretations in out from the real TXT log... If you want to look at a log as close as possible to the real encrypted TXT you shall use the PhantomHelp csv.
(Click on the pic below to make it larger)