A week after I crashed my Mavic at the school (my first crash), I almost crashed again. I was testing
the mobile app I'm writing in B4A. I took off. Then my app lost the connection with the Mavic. I should of hit return to home, but instead, I tried to reconnect the app. I paid no attention to the remote controller. Dumb. When I finally got video back, I had landed somewhere, but I had no idea where. So I started the
motors, and took off. I don't know why it landed. It probably did an autoland. Actually, after watching the video, I made for you tube, I was pulling it down, thinking it was right above me.
When I looked at the 4k video, I could see I landed on the top of a hotel. I'm lucky it didn't
land on power lines, a tree, or on a person. I had turned off obstacle avoidance since last
weeks crash. I merged the 4k footage with the screen capture. Definitely pilot error. Steve