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Am I in the wrong?

Google Earth: If you go to Google Earth, you can zoom onto where you can see details on the Naval ships and People!
....not a political comment but instead factual. China and others have way better pictures than a drone photo!! Google, as ScottTX says, has some good photos too!
Google Earth: If you go to Google Earth, you can zoom onto where you can see details on the Naval ships and People!
I was going to say the same thing. Probably better pix on the satellite than you have on the drone. He now know you can look this stuff up???
He is a part 107 holder with his own company. He's maintaining that I am a danger to national security and make drone operators look bad. I'd argue that he is making himself look bad, his business look bad and making him look like an uninformed A HOLE.
You have redacted his name, but it's clear that it is Richard Bag.
IF you had done anything illegal, the FBI of NCIS or CIA or someone else would have been in contact with you within minutes to let you know that your feed has been deleted and that they are launching an investigation.
They don't need some ex-whatever tattle-tail who wishes he still had something 'important' to do to watch for them - they're aware of it all - all of the time. His attitude was maybe valid 40 or 50 years ago.
Any enemies of our country already has better photos and full specs for everything from laying the keel to the launch & deployment for every ship in every shipyard worldwide. There are secrets - but you and your drone will never see them.
Him giving you days or even hours to delete something that could/would have been grabbed in seconds or minutes if of any value, proves that he is woefully misinformed about how our enemy and friendly agencies work.
Personal threats to report you is an attempt at 'off-the-book' enforcement - trying to get you to jump through HIS hoops.
I say: "Show me a badge and quote a specific law and I will comply. Otherwise - walk away NOW."
He is a part 107 holder with his own company. He's maintaining that I am a danger to national security and make drone operators look bad. I'd argue that he is making himself look bad, his business look bad and making him look like an uninformed A HOLE.
Maybe he is jealous because your photos are better than his?
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As for being on someone's list. I was carrying some odd electronic goods (calibration standards) in my carry on. Expecting trouble, I showed the X-Ray tech the spec sheet and said I'd be happy for them to do a visual. They laughed it off, then a few minutes later asked for a visual - and earnestly said "thank you" for showing us the spec sheet BEFORE the bag went through x-ray.

Another time, had a back brace for my motorcycle in my carry-on. Kept it in the same cabinet as my rose fertilizer. Had to fill out another FBI form as being a probable terrorist despite the third and fourth explosive tests being negative.

Then there was the time in Germany where I was escorted through the airport by two armed guards for another piece of electronics gear. lol.

As far as I know, none of these affected me in any way - still got clearances as needed, too.
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That's basically where I am at, too.


Now he's saying I'll have my answers form a federal agent in 7 days, lol wtf?

View attachment 144579
I wouldn't waste any emotional energy on this. This guy is a paranoid nutter. I gave up on facebook a long time ago as it is more trouble and anxiety causing than its worth. I post links to most of my stuff from my own easy to run Synology Servers. No Trolls, nutters, snooping FAA, or the Australian CASA, time wasters etc. Only invited people.
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Hi, as a retired Federal Police Officer I can tell you that you are not in controlled airspace #1, #2 as long as there are no posted signs stating that photography of the area is prohibited you are fine. This guy states he works for the government, BIG what a janitor? Give me a break! Also, if he reports you, the FAA investigators would look at your intent which in my opinion there is nothing wrong with what you's a big nothing. If you were on government property at the time, you would have an issue. Also, just an FYI you are not obligated to talk or respond to any questions from a "Federal Agent" or any othr law enforcement agency. This guy is a clown and has no concept of basic law or law enforcement concepts. No federal agency responds within 7 days for something this stupid. They are under staffed, over worked and have different priorties than this big nothing. You have nothing to worry about! Go fly and ignore this fool.
I fly from this park all the time. Great place. No restrictions.View attachment 144853
Good to know.

I make a trip down to the 757 monthly and am always looking for new places to put the drone up and my land camera down. I'll have to revisit the area with a little more time and a couple more batteries. There's some really cool content to shoot on that side of the water, for sure.
Tell him to get bent. There is nothing there that is in restricted airspace, or of a sensitive nature.

What group is this?
Yes I agree and don't you think foreign countries have satellites capable of getting better detail than even a low flying quad?
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I respectfully disagree.

I'm not worried about being on radar as I play by the rules and have nothing to hide.
If I've done nothing wrong, which I haven't, then there is no "being in the position". I would hope that he'd be put on the radar for wasting time and making bunk claims, no matter how well intentioned he thinks he is. I don't take being threatened with the feds lightly. I haven't removed the photos, but I've changed their permissions. He can kick rocks.
It could be a key board troll.
Some one that just gets off scaring some one on line. The only thing that can happen is the faa will worn you if it's wrong. The first time. The thing is don't feed the trolls don't reply to him that is what he wants you to do . Fly safe
I get that, 100% I just don't take being threatened with the feds lightly. According to him, he has already reported me. Time will tell. I do wish there was recourse for him falsely accusing me and wasting the time of whatever alphabet agency he's decided I need to be reported to. For now all I have is making him look like a clown in the court of public opinion, and showing how and where he is wrong may help anyone who is reading but not participating. I know I can't change his mind, but I can at least get the correct information out there for the lurkers.
Harassment should be against the sites TOS report him to the mods.
How many others is he abusing doing this type of thing.
"I will give you until Monday".

What a jerk, the FAA will not give one da. . . . care, not their authority.
Now IF the place does have some sort of no fly rule being something to do with military 'secrets' etc, that would be a fed thing.

My guess is same as yours, 'nothing (at ALL) to see here'.
This guy is also probably the self-appointed "Mask Marshal" of his neighborhood,
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My real rub is that he blames for for making other drone operators look bad. I am one of the guys that is the first to call out a jackass for doing stupid thing and messing it up for the rest of us. I am not new to drones, I had studied and scheduled my part 107 then COVID happened. I'm not a child and I'm not an irresponsible uas operator, so it really chaps my (Mod Removed Language)and I hate having to question if I'm in the wrong, but please if I am, let me know.

I haven't found any rules from the FAA that specify no flying over shipyards regardless of air space allowances, and you'd think that if that was a big thing, then the MILITARY would have big red NO FLY ZONES on all the air maps and somehting in the NOTAMS.
I live in San Diego where we have the largest concentration of warships on the West Coast. If he thinks it's illegal to publish warships where they are clearly in public view then I think he's mistaken. In San Diego we several cameras that are pointed at the harbor where the Navy ships are based. You can see them in port as well as when they depart and return to port.
Go to YouTube and search for

San Diego Web Cams Live (Rotating/Switched Feed)​

Does he really think foreign countries are sitting around waiting for you to post your drone photos for their spying operations? Tell him that other countries have stuff in space to see those details, they are not waiting for you or any drone flyer to post photos for them.
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Tell him to get bent. There is nothing there that is in restricted airspace, or of a sensitive nature.

What group is this?
I would like to play devil's advocate here. I'm not saying the "get-bent" guy is right and leaning towards calling him a "Karen" But, as a retired AF MSgt, The Navy "could" have rules that we are not aware of. I would not photograph ANY military base doing anything (important or not) because very simply, if you came to their attention and get on their naughty list, then you will think a fine from the FAA would be a little light foreplay.

I'm again not saying right or wrong but I would check in with the Office of public information (PIO) on the base. They will be happy to tell you whether they care if you take pictures or not from that safe area as noted by the OP.

I consider you (Vic) to be the be-all to end-all when it comes to the flight rules and FAA but the US Navy will mess with you in new and imaginative ways that you have never dreamed of... IF THEY CARE... Again the PIO is the correct office to check with
He's "done" trying to explain to me (in blue), and I can tell it to the FAA, according to him (in RED). I'm just sharing partly for the lols, but also so I have a thread to pull from IF by some chance I do hear from the FAA, in addition to the FB screen grabs.
Just a note about one of the comments that says copywriting (sic) the photographs doesn't make a 107 necessary.

Under copyright law, all creative works are copyrighted the moment they are created. That includes photographs, including ones taken purely for one's own use. You have to explicitly release an image into the public domain. Simply omitting a copyright notice isn't enough — the copyright still stands.

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