Well-Known Member
While there is certainly some "lack of consistency" with the current sUAS regulations in terms of how it's worded on different "Official" sites... (some actually state moving vehicles etc) how would any even partially sane person rationalize that flying a sUAS directly over lanes of traffic is even remotely smart, legal, ethical in ANY WAY WHAT SO EVER? These sUAS have multiple Single Points of Failure and ZERO redundancies built in.
Here's a direct pull from the Know Before You Fly (.org) website:
Do not intentionally fly over unprotected persons or moving vehicles, and remain at least 25 feet away from individuals and vulnerable property.
You’re a pilot. Pilots tend to think of “what if’s?” Non-pilots often don’t. They don’t think in terms of redundancies and failures much less risk mitigation and management. Look how many people do/post about stupid things on this forum alone, and presumably those on a forum are the more interested and knowledgeable operators.
As far as multiple sites, .gov is the source that should be referred to over .org. The FAA could easily include “don’t fly over cars,” and in fact did operating under 107. They didn’t bother to do so with recreational flyers.
I think there should be at least a minimum amount of training required before being able to operate something beyond a toy drone, the registration size threshold is probably reasonable, and you’d see a lot less non-sense