Police Helicopter pilot was either landing or checking something out, and when he realized what was happen he make a corrected right turn and pulled power/pitch and climbed/turned out. No violation, but bad judgement and I am sure a *** chewing is on its way.
Are you a Pilot?
He went low over the crowd to use the loudspeaker, it didn't work the first time so he went lower for another pass.
14 CFR 91.13 is a catchall provision that can serve as a basis for an FAA enforcement action, independent of any specific regulation
person may operate an
aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another. "
That is a very broad statement, which the FAA can, will, and has used to hang a Pilot absent of any other regulation that they can pull out of the book.
It even applies to sUAV ( Drone) operators.
The only exception to any FAA rule is that violating the rule prevented the loss of life, or aircraft. That is why a Drone can LEGALLY exceed 400' if breaking that ceiling is to avoid another aircraft ( a drone climbs faster than it descends) and prevent a loss of aircraft. Same thing for a bird of prey, descend and it will continue the attack, climb and it will think twice.
IMHO that regulation does not have a exception for Police operations.
If any debris had come up and hit a rotor, had there been any sort of failure , pilot error, you name it, there would have been multiple injuries and deaths.
We have beat this subject to death .... let's see if it gets swept under the rug.
Seeing that the NJ State PD has not publicly issued a statement or suspended the Pilot is a pretty good indication the Thin Blue Line is going to do the usual "nothing to see here" thing.