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Another Security Encounter re Drone Detection


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2016
Flying the Delaware River today as I've done 1000 times in 7 years photographing ships and here comes two pick up trucks from a nearby refinery.

Guy was pretty nice but wanted to know what I was doing, the whole 10th degree. Told him, showed him I'm out over the water and not flying over their refinery. Was anxious to tell me they have drone detection now. Needless to say, killed the the whole experience. Trying to talk to someone when your trying to fly not a great thing. Few weeks ago I received a call about flying in another part of the river. The drone was picked up on detection software being used at the stadium for the super bowl.

How long before the average Joe are acosting you while flying?
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Flying the Delaware River today as I've done 1000 times in 7 years photographing ships and here comes to pick up trucks from a nearby refinery.

Guy was pretty nice but wanted to know what I was doing, the whole 10th degree. Told him, showed him I'm out over the water and not flying over their refinery. Was anxious to tell me they have drone detection now. Needless to say, killed the the whole experience. Trying to talk to someone when your trying to fly not a great thing. Few weeks ago I received a call about flying in another part of the river. The drone was picked up on detection software being used at the stadium for the super bowl.

How long before the average Joe are acosting you while flying?
With Remote ID already activated by DJI on the Mavic 3, any day now!
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Normally I fly my Air2S in that location and never hear from anyone. Little windy today so I sent the Mavic 3 up.
That may be the difference! Have you updated the FW on your Air 2S with the October 24th, 2022 update that added:
  1. Support for United States RID.
  2. Support for DJI Remote Controller
If not, your Air 2S isn't yet broadcasting RID, although your Mavic 3 is.
Otherwise, adding support for RID may on the Air 2S not actually have activated it on the Air 2S, unlike on the Mavic 3.
Flying the Delaware River today as I've done 1000 times in 7 years photographing ships and here comes two pick up trucks from a nearby refinery.

Guy was pretty nice but wanted to know what I was doing, the whole 10th degree. Told him, showed him I'm out over the water and not flying over their refinery. Was anxious to tell me they have drone detection now. Needless to say, killed the the whole experience. Trying to talk to someone when your trying to fly not a great thing. Few weeks ago I received a call about flying in another part of the river. The drone was picked up on detection software being used at the stadium for the super bowl.

How long before the average Joe are acosting you while flying?
Were you on refinery property? Was it the day of the Superbowl? If no for either would have politely notified both parties that you do not need to answer any of their questions that the guys in the pickups were interfering with a pilot while in flight and that they needed to leave.
Not much of a "defense" but you might need to inform people that talking with you while flying is against FAA laws. It's a Federal Law that you can't distract someone flying a drone. Or a plane or whatever.
I know that's not much but maybe you shut them up long enough to finish what you're doing..?
This possibly happens more than we are aware.
Critical infrastructure has some govcos worried about nefarious drone use.

I was once following a ship down the Port River here in little quiet South Australia, around a bend in the river, then when coming back to the home point I was going to fly a direct line.
We have a back up gas fired electricity plant on the banks of that lee bend, and it was like I hit a brick wall flying back.
No notification though, really odd, I had to follow the river bend to get back.

No NFZ, flight all ok to our apps etc, DJI Geo Map, all clear.

While I was flying, a utility vehicle from that place came to the isolated public carpark we were at, and just parked, seemed to be watching from a distance.
I never had a chance to speak to them as by the time I landed they just left as I touched down.
Seemed an odd coincidence.
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A Free android app (I assume there is probably an ios) named drone scanner can read the RID from Mavic 3 and Air 2S as we speak. There may be others as well.
Don't spread the work to the Average idiots, please.
I just put the Mini 3 Pro up and ran the Drone Scanner app. It did not detect the drone.

Mini 3 Pro with RC, latest firmware update. Latest version of Drone Scanner.

Has anyone used Drone Scanner or another app and found that it works?
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I just put the Mini 3 Pro up and ran the Drone Scanner app. It did not detect the drone.

Mini 3 Pro with RC, latest firmware update. Latest version of Drone Scanner.

Has anyone used Drone Scanner or another app and found that it works?
I have not had any success yet either but I do not know if it's user error or what.
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Were you on refinery property? Was it the day of the Superbowl? If no for either would have politely notified both parties that you do not need to answer any of their questions that the guys in the pickups were interfering with a pilot while in flight and that they needed to leave.
No and No.. This was this past Sunday. The guard that came out as I said was very reasonable. He acted like he was bothered they sent him out. I told him and showed him I was out over the river. Funny thing is it's just a bunch of tanks that you can easily see on Google Earth. Finally there is NO RULE that says I can't fly over a refinery that I've ever seen.
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No and No.. This was this past Sunday. The guard that came out as I said was very reasonable. He acted like he was bothered they sent him out. I told him and showed him I was out over the river. Funny thing is it's just a bunch of tanks that you can easily see on Google Earth. Finally there is NO RULE that says I can't fly over a refinery that I've ever seen.
There are FAA regulations regarding flights over military installations, national landmarks, and critical infrastructure.

Security Sensitive Airspace Restrictions

I ran across that when I was checking on flying in an area with several chemical plants.
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All that's been said notwithstanding, I can't say that I blame them for investigating a little into what was buzzing around their plant. I am still surprised that a drone hasn't been used in a terrorist attack like spreading toxic chemicals around inside a stadium full of sports fans. As long as all was cordial, I wouldn't dwell on it and I might even consider getting a number to call and advise them of my intentions in the future, if it was me, I am not telling you what to do.

And as for flying manned aircraft over them, there is that 1000' minimum and getting closer than that does make tail numbers easier to read. And law or no law, I wonder what would happen if one were to buzz around a nuclear generating facility. Limerick is out by me, if anyone wants to give it a try.
So just know that you’re in the right & can fly your drone anywhere you please unless it is restricted airspace or there’s a temporary advisory (like the Super Bowl) or military airway (like for choppers since you’re not hitting Flight Levels above 18,000ft).
You'd be well advised to avoid prohibited airspace, too. Per the FARs, as you say.
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Nuclear plants are off limits per FAA regulations. Reference is provided in post #14.
To fly over them, sure, but what about flying around the perimeter? Should one go fly their drone around the fence down at the Limerick nuke, I'd expect to get checked out.
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