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Ascending to avoid obstacle Message in DJI Flight Log....


Jan 28, 2018
Hi all,

Looking for some help from those more experienced than myself. I had a disconnect issue issue over the weekend where the DJI GO4 App 'crashed' and was non responsive. Had to restart the App and luckily was then able to trigger RTH and the drone came back. I decided to download the flight log via the DJI tool to see if i could find anything that had occurred around the time. I would have hoped that RTH would have triggered upon the disconnect which i found happened for 44 secs so I will double check settings in the App.

More interestingly I found that the logs show a message "Ascending to avoid obstacle" in the "GoHomeStatus" column of the logs. I had no errors or messages on the screen during flight indicating an issue and there was nothing in front of the drone for the entire i don't think this is normal.

I then downloaded a flight from the day before where i had no issues with RTH or the flight in general and the same message is displayed over and over.

Any thoughts on why this is happening and how to resolve? Here is the link to the flight log.....when you view the CSV version you can see the messages (forum wouldn't let me upload a .csv).

Thanks all!
You were facing into the sun?
Hiya....yes a little.....but it was overcast so certainly not looking straight into a bright sun. The message continues to appear even when it turns around and is facing away from the sun. The message is there from start to finish basically.
Just because your app crashes, doesn’t your RC still control your bird? If it was in LOS, you should’ve been able to see if your inputs were doing anything.
I’ve unplugged my cord from my RC to see what happens while hovering 4 feet from the ground , and I could control and land w/o screen or App.
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Just because your app crashes, doesn’t your RC still control your bird? If it was in LOS, you should’ve been able to see if your inputs were doing anything.
I’ve unplugged my cord from my RC to see what happens while hovering 4 feet from the ground , and I could control and land w/o screen or App.
Good point about the RC still controlling even tho the app crashed....i was over 1000m out so wasn't sure if it as taking my inputs. I will certainly confirm your scenario about to see what happens...thank you for tip!
He was 4000 feet out! But I'm thinking sun, obsticle avoidance. Turn it off or flick to sport mode and rth again ......
I have had my Mavic RTH when my iPad battery died. I am able to control it perfectly fine with RC. It freaks me out every time though as it always seems to occur at times when I flew to max LOS and had a hard time flying without the video feed. Knock on wood...RTH works really well just make sure you have the RTH altitudeset appropriately and the landing vs hover.
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More interestingly I found that the logs show a message "Ascending to avoid obstacle" in the "GoHomeStatus" column of the logs.
It's just a bogus message from my log viewer. You can ignore it. I fixed the problem and re-uploaded your flight log here.
I have had my Mavic RTH when my iPad battery died. I am able to control it perfectly fine with RC. It freaks me out every time though as it always seems to occur at times when I flew to max LOS and had a hard time flying without the video feed. Knock on wood...RTH works really well just make sure you have the RTH altitudeset appropriately and the landing vs hover.
How can the Mavic go into RTH when your iPad battery dies? It has nothing to do with the radio signal.
As you say, the RC is perfectly capable to control the MP without app.
How can the Mavic go into RTH when your iPad battery dies? It has nothing to do with the radio signal.
As you say, the RC is perfectly capable to control the MP without app.

It doesn't do it automatically, I press the button on the RC. I guess I was saying it wrong the way I worded it.
It's just a bogus message from my log viewer. You can ignore it. I fixed the problem and re-uploaded your flight log here.
Thanks mssinger.... much appreciated! Thumbswayup what did you need to do? Was there anything i did incorrectly or need to change on the setup/config of the drone?
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