Firstly I am not an expert so would like opinion !
One Drone photographer with thousands of Followerrs admitted to only using filters ( 64 ) in the strongest sunlight with NO filters for anything less ! He claimrd filters destroy true colour while the only benefit was motion blur which he again thought was overated !
Other surpise was other than in very special circumstances he left the camera in Auto !
This argument was followed by another big follower site .
I rarely use automatics to fly preferring instant response of hand flying as I tend to fly close to water and trees but the capability of the Drones is such now as well as editing capability in automatics with use of AI that all the skills of a photographer or Drone pilot are being lost to automatics ?
I would like opinion of those more expert than me
One Drone photographer with thousands of Followerrs admitted to only using filters ( 64 ) in the strongest sunlight with NO filters for anything less ! He claimrd filters destroy true colour while the only benefit was motion blur which he again thought was overated !
Other surpise was other than in very special circumstances he left the camera in Auto !
This argument was followed by another big follower site .
I rarely use automatics to fly preferring instant response of hand flying as I tend to fly close to water and trees but the capability of the Drones is such now as well as editing capability in automatics with use of AI that all the skills of a photographer or Drone pilot are being lost to automatics ?
I would like opinion of those more expert than me