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BBC 2 tonight 9-30

The programme wasn't THAT but but yes it sensationalised things.

The thing that irritated me all the way through it was them accepted the Gatwick incident was a drone and is accepted fact. At no point did anyone question whether there was any solid evidence what-so-ever of a drone in the first place (which would explain why all the hi-tech detection gear failed to detect one).

Their base assumption was Gatwick was definitely a drone and worked from there. Which is sloppy but most likely their editorial intent from the beginning to justify the programme.
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The programme wasn't THAT but but yes it sensationalised things.

The thing that irritated me all the way through it was them accepted the Gatwick incident was a drone and is accepted fact. At no point did anyone question whether there was any solid evidence what-so-ever of a drone in the first place (which would explain why all the hi-tech detection gear failed to detect one).

Their base assumption was Gatwick was definitely a drone and worked from there. Which is sloppy but most likely their editorial intent from the beginning to justify the programme.

The biggest criticism should not be that it started with the premise that the Gatwick incident was real, firstly because it likely was and secondly because it doesn't change anything that followed. Even if Gatwick had just been a huge error of spurious sightings, the scenario itself is completely credible. I was far more annoyed by the sensationalist approach to the presentation and the unnecessarily inaccurate technical details.
Welcome to the BBC. It hasnt been impartial for many years. Its overtly-political now and competing with other TV networks which means sensational is needed.

You rarely if ever find discussion and questioning now. Its all acceptance of a view.
Hi All

I,m late to this thread, but I all so watched the BBC's misconceived Drone bashing documentary, and would like to have my rant please.

The BBC is staffed by lefty liberals, as are most political organisations, forget what colour their neck ties or button hole badges proclaim. Lefty Liberalism is what is ruining the UK.

Not that i'm a Comrade Putin fan but I think he nailed the problem on the head, the powers that be, institutions and the government fall over backwards to protect the rights of minorities, to legislate for minorities, all to the determent of the vast majority of the people. (see link for article).

For example, in the UK you can't say Good boy or Good girl to a child in school because it "gender stereotypes the child", and for the same reason they advocate mixed toilets for kids, what a load of BS.

This is where Liberalism has led, is it any wonder that in most European countries there is a strong tide towards the far right wing in political spheres.

God help us......


It's rather sad how some people manage to assign everything that they don't like (and apparently don't even understand) to imagined political leanings. By world news standards the BBC is exceptionally centrist, and that particular documentary would have been perfectly at home on ABC or FOX in the US.

It's notable, and also disappointing, that amidst this entire thread of ranting, there are hardly any posts addressing the actual content presented in this program. Whether you like it or not, it's an interesting and significant topic that isn't going to go away, however much you might whine about "lefties" and "minorities" and yet, ironically, pine for the values of an authoritarian regime.
It's rather sad how some people manage to assign everything that they don't like (and apparently don't even understand) to imagined political leanings. By world news standards the BBC is exceptionally centrist, and that particular documentary would have been perfectly at home on ABC or FOX in the US.

It's notable, and also disappointing, that amidst this entire thread of ranting, there are hardly any posts addressing the actual content presented in this program. Whether you like it or not, it's an interesting and significant topic that isn't going to go away, however much you might whine about "lefties" and "minorities" and yet, ironically, pine for the values of an authoritarian regime.

Fair enough Mate, but no doubt any BBC feed that you see in the USA is likely to be the BBC World service, which is relatively unbiased, but it is almost universally accepted that the Home feed from the BBC is left biased, especially it's news and political documentary.

I agree with some of the other OP's that only Drone bashing content will get air time, sensationalism is the watch word for domestic news feeds in the UK, regardless of truth etc.

Yes drones could drop grenades, yes cars can be used to kill and maim, you can use a bread knife to kill someone, that's the stuff that sells news papers.

You wont see much content showing drone's used in search and rescue, or firefighting, but the average TV watching Joe has no idea where the beautiful and interesting Ariel shots in their favourite TV soaps, and dramas originates.
Fair enough Mate, but no doubt any BBC feed that you see in the USA is likely to be the BBC World service, which is relatively unbiased, but it is almost universally accepted that the Home feed from the BBC is left biased, especially it's news and political documentary.

I agree with some of the other OP's that only Drone bashing content will get air time, sensationalism is the watch word for domestic news feeds in the UK, regardless of truth etc.

Yes drones could drop grenades, yes cars can be used to kill and maim, you can use a bread knife to kill someone, that's the stuff that sells news papers.

You wont see much content showing drone's used in search and rescue, or firefighting, but the average TV watching Joe has no idea where the beautiful and interesting Ariel shots in their favourite TV soaps, and dramas originates.

Actually no, I watch the UK BBC feed - that's how I watched this particular Horizon - and I read the BBC news website, as well as most of the other western equivalents. As for what the general public is more interested in on the subject of drones - what do you think - a nice piece about how the drone hobbyists are having fun, their currently relatively uncommon use in search and rescue (one of my main uses for them) or the potential safety and security issues that they pose when misused or weaponized. You really need to look at this with a perspective beyond that of the drone enthusiast.
It's rather sad how some people manage to assign everything that they don't like (and apparently don't even understand) to imagined political leanings. By world news standards the BBC is exceptionally centrist, and that particular documentary would have been perfectly at home on ABC or FOX in the US.

It's notable, and also disappointing, that amidst this entire thread of ranting, there are hardly any posts addressing the actual content presented in this program. Whether you like it or not, it's an interesting and significant topic that isn't going to go away, however much you might whine about "lefties" and "minorities" and yet, ironically, pine for the values of an authoritarian regime.
Righteous indignation is a highly prized commodity these days... Several notches above fact checking unfortunately...
Ha ha..... whats the saying, if it sounds like a liberal, then it's probably a liberal LOL

Slogans and sayings are so much better than intelligent discussion.
I have yet to have seen anything produced by BBC, NGS or PBS that have used drone footage in their award winning productions... ;)

They better not make sUAV’s look too bad unless they want to shoot themselves in the foot.
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Hey Waylander, go away! I, personally, am quite tired of your far right crowd's "I can make it by myself"(which you can't) bullcrap! You think Brexit is going to solve all your problems-it won't, but, it will give your government the excuse to cancel more and more of their social programs and your country is going to continue its inescapable slide towards irrelevance...
Hey Waylander, go away! I, personally, am quite tired of your far right crowd's "I can make it by myself"(which you can't) bullcrap! You think Brexit is going to solve all your problems-it won't, but, it will give your government the excuse to cancel more and more of their social programs and your country is going to continue its inescapable slide towards irrelevance...

Perhaps it is time to cut the politics even if you are right. At the moment things just descends into
Slogans and sayings [that are] are so much better than intelligent discussion.
so any reasoned factual discussion sinks into the smoke of slogans, sayings and rants.
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I actually have professional concern about the low barrier to acquiring (and the anonymity of acquiring) a Mavic 2, loading it up with 400g of home made plastique and ball bearings from Screwfix (PM me for a recipe - I read Chemistry at Oxford in the 70s) and using Litchi to target it (out of VLOS and out of of controller contact) onto your target from a distance of 3+kms
I have yet to have seen anything produced by BBC, NGS or PBS that have used drone footage in their award winning productions... ;)

They better not make uSAV’s look too bad unless they want to shoot themselves in the foot.

And they used quite a lot of drone footage in this documentary too. While it wasn't a great documentary and arguably unnecessarily alarmist, the assertions that it was simply anti-sUAS are just silly.
It's rather sad how some people manage to assign everything that they don't like (and apparently don't even understand) to imagined political leanings. By world news standards the BBC is exceptionally centrist, and that particular documentary would have been perfectly at home on ABC or FOX in the US.

I suspect, it's rather more fundamental than that - in many cases it seems to be a failure to grasp the difference betweeen *news* and *editorial* reporting. Not that there are not some extremely biased news sources and extremely even handed editorialists, of course.

I'm someone who cross checks important news stories against multiple global outlets spread across the political spectrum to get as broad a view as possible and draw my own conclusions. With that in mind, I can assure you that (a few specific areas aside) the BBC *news* (both UK and World Service coverage) is about as politically centrist and even handed as you can get. Even so, I still apply the Russian proverb of "Trust, but verify" to them - just with a little less skepticism than most other outlets.

However, when is comes to their *editorial* reporting - such as this programme - then they'll absolutely push whatever agenda/viewpoint the writers and producers of the specific programme can get away with putting into it. That's what editorials essentially are; an opinion. Unlike the news, these programmes are also often produced by outside agencies and paid for by the license fee or revenue from the World Service, and do not have to adhere as closely to the standards that the BBC applies to its own reporting.

(FWIW, I thought the programme was very sensationalist and set up "what if" scenarios to support their predetermined conclusion; e.g. using .308 rounds instead of a suitable load of shot, FFS. Not the BBC's finest hour...)
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as i said in my post#11 i think that the whole thing was just contrived to give drones a bad name ,we in the drone community are just in it for the pleasure it gives us ,and i think that the purpose of the program was to show that there are measures to defeat those who try and create issues at air ports,i am sure that intelligent viewers would have been amused by someone trying to shoot down a drone in a controlled and contrived enviroment which bore no relation to real life,
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