The history of drones and the regulations placed upon them (us) is no mystery, as it has all happened in the last 10 to 15 years. It is there for anyone who is intellectually curious enough to see and learn about it.
The FAA has total and absolute regulatory power over the National Airspace here in the US. For years the FAA never wanted to, nor did they, regulate remotely-flown unmanned aviation, as it (we) did not interfere with NAS nor have any impact upon any other infrastructure - from the air.
When drones did start having an impact, is when they began to be seen, and crashing, in places they should never have been - nearly all were BVLOS. When it was seen that virtually anyone with no training could show up just about anywhere, on the ground and in the air; at altitudes that definitely put them in conflict with manned aviation, the die was cast.
Anyone suggesting that there needs to be serious injury or death, for regulations to be enacted upon the 'drone' community is not dealing with reality. The current regulations exist because of what has happened so far, and the fact that there have been no reported deaths or serious injuries – while amazing, is almost certainly due TO the regulations.
Willful ignorance of the facts does not make them go away.