You have to be a 107 pilot, and then apply for a §107.51(b), and a 107.31 waiver. The 107.31 waiver is a possibility, but the 107.51(b) for 5000' is extremely unlikely to to happen.
If you apply, you'll need to answer the follow questions for the .51 application:
"1. Describe how the small unmanned aircraft (sUA) will not pose a hazard to aircraft,persons on the ground, and others’ property when operating at altitudes other than those prescribed in § 107.51(b).
a. How will the Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) and Visual Observer(s) (VO), ifused, see and avoid other aircraft when flying over 400 feet above ground level (AGL)?
2. Describe the anti-collision lighting used on the sUA, in order for it to be seen by crewmembers in other aircraft from a distance of at least 1 statute mile(sm) during daytime operations and 3sm if conducting nighttime operations.
a. Will the sUA be sufficiently visible by crewmembers in other aircraft in the location where the RPIC will operate? 1) If yes, how will you accomplish this?
2) If no, why do crewmembers in other aircraft not need to be able to see yoursUA?
3. Describe how the RPIC will be able to accurately determine the sUA altitude and direction of flight.
a. How will the RPIC know, while keeping eyes on the sUA, the current real-time:
1) Geographic location,
2) Altitude (AGL), and
3) Direction of flight of the sUA
b. How will the RPIC maintain visual line of sight with the sUA (i.e., meet the requirements of § 107.31) at the maximum altitude and distance requested inthe waiver application?
4. Describe the area of operations using latitude/longitude, street address,identifiable landmarks, or other maps to include the distance from and direction tothe nearest airport (e.g., 4.8 miles SE of XYZ Airport).
5. In addition to filing a NOTAM, describe how the RPIC will communicate/coordinatewith Air Traffic Control (ATC) if required by a Special Provision in your Certificate ofWaiver and based on the complexity of your operation."
You'll need ATO to sign off on it as well, and they're a hard nut to crack.