Evil? Really?
Anyway, I used to think mocking ignorant people was unkind. Then the Limbaughization of America happened with all opinions equally valid regardless of how dumb, ignorant or cruel. People who knew things quietly, calmly disagreed and accepted the right of anyone to have their opinion. How has that worked out?
We should go back to mocking ignorant people. Publicly. There is way too much Dunning-Kruger effect in the world.
If you found yourself spinning the props on your drone hoping the electric motor would start, you need to not only challenge yourself and gets some modesty regarding your own expertise, but you need to challenge how you gather information and how you pick your sources of information.
I have little hope that the ignorant will all of sudden get some modesty or educate themselves from legitimate sources. So, let's all agree to quiet them down with mockery and satire. How about a video next week that shows a
Mini 3 safely water landing but reporting that it only works on salt water?
Note: this post may have been mockery or satire. Good luck!