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Comment period opened for potential drone rules at Oregon state parks, beaches


New Member
Oct 10, 2023
Portland, OR, USA
Oregon is drafting some rule proposals for drones in state parks and beach areas and are looking for comments.
I suspect that more people against drones will comment than drone enthusiasts so we need to speak up.

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…I suspect that more people against drones will comment than drone enthusiasts so we need to speak up….
It was clear from a previous public comment period that birdwatchers organized and mobilized to share MANY comments along the lines of:
Drones fly in wildlife refuges, they chase birds, they violate my privacy, they buzz me, they make it impossible to enjoy the beach. We need to protect the experience by removing drones.

As if every drone was flown by a clueless and reckless neer-do-well teenager.

What are positive messages that address those concerns?

Note to those unfamiliar: most Oregon state parks are on the Pacific coast, with many seabirds, lots of protected areas, many retirees, many birdwatchers… and many places to fly that are safe, legal, and don’t impact wildlife.
It was clear from a previous public comment period that birdwatchers organized and mobilized to share MANY comments along the lines of:
Drones fly in wildlife refuges, they chase birds, they violate my privacy, they buzz me, they make it impossible to enjoy the beach. We need to protect the experience by removing drones.

As if every drone was flown by a clueless and reckless neer-do-well teenager.

What are positive messages that address those concerns?

Note to those unfamiliar: most Oregon state parks are on the Pacific coast, with many seabirds, lots of protected areas, many retirees, many birdwatchers… and many places to fly that are safe, legal, and don’t impact wildlife.
How's that any different than the National Park? You can't say that with a straight face knowing the only difference between those parks are Federal vs. State. If the Federal government can do it, why can't the State completely prohibit drones from taking off and landing on state property at all times? For the same reasons: I've heard people want to go there for peace and quiet. It doesn't matter how many drones are flying, just one is one too many. You think one drone in Yellowstone is a noise nuisance? Yet you're not allowed to fly even if there wasn't anyone else around you for a 50 mile radius.

All you have to do is comb the internet forums for the excuses, we provide all the rejection answers here in additions to the ones you posted including "When you drone crashes (not if, but when) or flyaway (which they all do) and it's two miles away BVLOS, that battery will start a forest fire and the drone pilot will not report it lost."

Good luck, it's so frustrating; I never could understand why no one wants to fight on day 1 when we have the clear advantage instead of waiting for the hobby to be dug into a hole and then we have to try to fight our way out start on day 2000. We should have staked our claim years ago because nobody votes *in* drones. 😂

Btw, such restrictions and schemes on drones never end well; don't accept a partial win. Ultimately the state will be known as an unfriendly location to fly.
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I think birds are a greater threat to drones than drones are to birds. How many bird-drone encounters have not resulted in a fatally injured drone? Only an idiot would want to harass birds.
All you have to do is comb the internet forums for the excuses, we provide all the rejection answers here in additions to the ones you posted including "When you drone crashes (not if, but when) or flyaway (which they all do) and it's two miles away BVLOS, that battery will start a forest fire and the drone pilot will not report it lost."
California State excuse Number 1
While you can fly in some parks Most of them will give this excuse to tell you to stop.
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