On my Smart Controller attitude indicator, lower left corner, the blue circle is supposed to represent me/the controller. I standing with the controller looking straight ahead at the MA2 drone, about 50' in front of me. Problem is, the small blue triangle that moves around the circumference of the blue circle is not pointing at the drone. It's anywhere from 90 to 180 degrees off. I have done the IMU, and compass recals, as well as the SC recal. (I found a menu item that allows you to calibrate the SC, you just wobble it around for a few seconds, and it says test complete. I've tried recals in many other locations, being sure not to be around elec fields or metal. I just can't get the blue index to point to the drone on the display. Any one else having this prob? Pretty sure I'm doing every thing ok, just kind of puzzled right now. Thanks, T