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DJI Corrective Lenses vs Focus Fixers for DJI Goggles/Racing Edition?


Feb 8, 2018
Has anyone had both the DJI Corrective Lenses Buy DJI Goggles Corrective Lenses and the third party Focus Fixers focus-fixers to comapre for comfort with your DJI Goggles or DJI Goggles Racing Edition?

I just got my DJI Corrective Lenses after waiting over a month to get them and the front element frames of the DJI Corrective lenses stick out somewhat and press against my eye sockets which is uncomfortable and slightly obscures the view too making using the goggles (I have the Racing Edition) with the DJI Corrective Lenses uncomfortable and less than ideal to use.. wondered if the focus fixers (or any other product out there) will do a better job and maybe return my DJI Corrective Lenses for refund..

I have presbyopia/age related far-sightedness and cannot use the goggles without some kind of corrective lenses (as it's too blurry otherwise) and glasses are even less comfortable to wear with the goggles etc..
Thanks for any feedback!
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I got the dji lenses for my dji goggles decided to grind down the plastic frame that hits my eye lashes worked great
Thank you- may I ask how you ground down the plastic frame, not make the ground down frame too sharp for your face and also how to avoid scratching the lenses whilst grinding down the lens frames? Did you use a dremel bit..? PS- do you mean you removed the corrective lenses from the plastic frames entirely and somehow attached them to the goggles without the frames or just ground down the front lip of the frames that rises above the lenses (that presses into the face)? Any pictures would be gratefully appreciated! Thank you
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Thanks.. You mean the focus fixers don't touch your face and are more comfortable and don't partially obscure you're view comparatively?
Correct, I also think there made a little better as well. however I have noticed the price of them this year has gone up a bit. good luck on what you decide.
you may want to cut your losses and look into this company's offering. When I asked why their focus fixers cost twice as much as DJIs, this was their reply


We’ve gone to great lengths to try and keep the lens and lens assembly away from the outer bridge of your nose. Our design specifically allows for the maximum amount of space between the bridge of your nose and the lens assembly by not extending the lens all the way to the inner frame edge while still maintaining a full unobstructed view. Nose clearance is especially important when using higher diopter lenses which are naturally thicker. While other designs may look sleeker they are lacking where it counts - comfort for your nose and face.
Our lenses are positioned at a natural angle, just like normal glasses, to achieve the best sharpness across the entire field of view.
We recognized that lens adapters can be a bit fiddly to remove in such a confined area so we built in a handle on the outer edge to make it very easy to install and remove.

In terms of customer support (and I'm not even a customer, yet), they replied to two emails I sent on a Saturday night.
This is a link to their website

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you may want to cut your losses and look into this company's offering. When I asked why their focus fixers cost twice as much as DJIs, this was their reply


We’ve gone to great lengths to try and keep the lens and lens assembly away from the outer bridge of your nose. Our design specifically allows for the maximum amount of space between the bridge of your nose and the lens assembly by not extending the lens all the way to the inner frame edge while still maintaining a full unobstructed view. Nose clearance is especially important when using higher diopter lenses which are naturally thicker. While other designs may look sleeker they are lacking where it counts - comfort for your nose and face.
Our lenses are positioned at a natural angle, just like normal glasses, to achieve the best sharpness across the entire field of view.
We recognized that lens adapters can be a bit fiddly to remove in such a confined area so we built in a handle on the outer edge to make it very easy to install and remove.

In terms of customer support (and I'm not even a customer, yet), they replied to two emails I sent on a Saturday night.
This is a link to their website

Thanks- though someone on youtube said this regarding the focus fixers- "Yes the top frame does touch my head just below my eyebrow. And, it does bother me enough to adjust the headset up so they don’t touch. They are not perfect".. I'll see if I can return the DJI lenses for a refund since I only recently received them and make a decision on whether to get the FF based on that..
I've put a request in to return/refund the DJI lenses (which I've confirmed I'm doing in time- less than 14 days after receiving)..I'm going to at least try to the focus fixers to compare..
just an update- Received my focus fixers today and love them- so much more comfortable and provides less obscuration of the view than the DJI corrective lenses- sending back the DJI ones for refund
I just received my Focus Fixers this evening and couldn't be happier! The screen is absolutely clear. Nothing hits my nose or eyelashes and I feel like I'll be able to fly with the goggles on and remove them quickly without having to hold onto my reading glasses. I can't wait to try theses out this weekend!!!!
yeah- I agree- the FF are a superior product and a warning to everyone to stay away from the DJI lenses even though cheaper they come at a cost..
just an update- Received my focus fixers today and love them- so much more comfortable and provides less obscuration of the view than the DJI corrective lenses- sending back the DJI ones for refund
Did you get the same prescription # as your reading glasses. Or did you double the #. Eg. 1.5=3.0?
Did you get the same prescription # as your reading glasses. Or did you double the #. Eg. 1.5=3.0?
I doubled the prescription of my normal readers- ie. readers are normally 1.25-1.5+ and I got 3.00+ focus fixers- FF are so much more comfortable than the DJI corrective lenses (which I returned in time for a refund)- worth the extra money easily- if in doubt take your DJI goggles to a local pharmacy with all those cheap reader glasses and try them on with the goggles to see what works best for you, but start with double what your normal readers are- if you use readers normally you can probably tell already for that close up they aren't strong enough and need doubling for that close (you could go stronger but I didn't want to mess with my eyes too much)
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Thanks for the confirmation. I’m going to order some today. I find the reading glasses uncomfortable and I hardly use my goggles. I hope this will change that.
Thanks for the confirmation. I’m going to order some today. I find the reading glasses uncomfortable and I hardly use my goggles. I hope this will change that.
oh yes far more comfortable than reading glasses inside teh goggles- but definitel get focus fixers over dji ones as the dji ones aren't that comfortable (for me at least)
i found using a small pair of reading glasses works great,only when you flip up the goggles you have to pull them down
btw,i have a set of dji 2x focal finders if anyone needs em
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I'm a year and a half too late but just got my goggles and have a 2.0 prescription for reading glasses and need to know if I should get a more powerful focus lens to give me the best experience ? Thanks to any that reply.

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