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DJI Fly App 1.4.2 update

I have an S8 and it did the same thing. Now I can't get the app to work. I'll get the connection guide screen but anything I touch flashes for a second and goes back to connection guide screen. Anyone else get this too? I have a mini and 1.4 2 update.
Any progress yet? I also have a S8 and will try to avoid the update if problems are on the horizon...
If there is nothing for the mini 2, (my machine), they are only putting stuff for other models and bloating the app. I'll bid my time as the present version works fine for me.
I'm glad they "fixed certain issues". I've been having problems with certain issues forever!
I'm glad they "fixed certain issues". I've been having problems with certain issues forever!
Oh just which certain issues did they fix and which certain issues were you having a problem with.

Sometimes they can accidently fix certain issues that you were having while fixing other certain issues that they were aware of.
Oh just which certain issues did they fix and which certain issues were you having a problem with.

Sometimes they can accidently fix certain issues that you were having while fixing other certain issues that they were aware of.

I think this update created certain issues while fixing other certain issues
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Yup, for Android, phone charging is indeed automatic. Plug in the phone and boom, it charges. No menu option to turn that on or off that I know of.
I'd like the option to NOT CHARGE my Android at times, in case the controller battery is not real high. It's a great OPTION.
Careful guys, you lose the iPhone battery charging from controller option!
So in 1.4.2, the Phone Charging option is gone?

View attachment 129370

I never have it on anyway, if your phone is not fully charged or near fully charged, why are you flying that you have to suck power from the RC? just my 2 cents.. Seems that i'd rather have the RC keep the power..
Should Not be Used in “Normal” Operations... However it is Nice to have that feature if needed...
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Has this been released in the UK & Europe? I ask because I've gone to the DJI Download site to check. (Android phone) It only shows the 1.4.0. I'm in the US. I've seen YouTube videos that talk about 1.4.2.

Regarding the phone charging, is it actually not charging or just not in the menu? I ask because I have a Samsung S9 phone and the phone charging is not in the menu either, but when I hook the phone cable up to the RC, the phone starts charging without doing anything.
Well that's interesting I'll have to look closet at that
I reached out to DJI support the other day about the charging issue with iOS, this was their response:
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We have noticed the issue you mention about the option of Phone charging, our relevant engineer team are working on solving the issue, please wait for the next App update to be released.
I just updated to this version, and after an 8 minute test flight, my dedicated iPad mini 5 shut down due to excessive heat. This has never happened before. Was this due to the constant charging issue with the new version? Luckily I was flying VLOS and was able to bring her home without an issue. Flying a mini 2.
I just hooked up my iPad mini 5 to the controller and the charging lightning bolt comes on briefly then goes away. I saw that my iPad mini was not charging, but when I flew earlier, the iPad was very hot to the touch when it shut down. Again, that never happened before updating to the point of shutting down. Kind of confused but going to try to re-create it after my battery charges up. Air temperature was about 90, but I kept the controller shaded as much as possible just to see the screen.
I just hooked up my iPad mini 5 to the controller and the charging lightning bolt comes on briefly then goes away. I saw that my iPad mini was not charging, but when I flew earlier, the iPad was very hot to the touch when it shut down. Again, that never happened before updating to the point of shutting down. Kind of confused but going to try to re-create it after my battery charges up. Air temperature was about 90, but I kept the controller shaded as much as possible just to see the screen.
If the ambient temp was 90 or better if it were humid, if your iPad was catching some direct sun during the flight, its possible that its overheated due to the environment you were flying in.. Its hard to say whether the change in the charging feature contributing to this at all.. Specially if the iPad was indicating that it was not being charged. Also if your iPad is in some sort of protective case that you may use because the mount your using lets it work, could also make the iPad warmer while your using it..

There are some apps that can monitor CPU usage perhaps and see if during your flight if CPU is pegging. which would also contribute to higher temps and perhaps a heat warning. one such app is called System Status, to get some charting, one needs the pro version for about $4.. The free lite version you'd have to switch over when safe to view current usage which might be lower since Fly should move into the background.
Thanks for the response. I think you might be right. Flew again, while it was only a little cooler, (less hot), there was more shade and I didn’t have an issue.
As this has been going on for years (mentioned in multiple forums, first "Discovered" with the I1 and P3 series) and is a Android interface implementation issue and not a DJI problem (that they are doing or can circumvent). It is just that Android uses a data connection that must be energized, in doing that they have a charge gate that is always open. It is a design issue of ALL Android. It cannot be shut off (In stock configuration for most all).

Apple does use "some" charge, but it is very low as compared to Android device due to device architecture and how it syncs data. From my observations, when DJI found a way to stop Apple completely from charge they inadvertently left the toggle on display in Go 4 even in Android. They subsequently removed the Android side toggle in later updates to avoid confusion. In other words when it was showing in the Apps and was toggled (Android) it didn't really work, and couldn't as it is inherent to Android's connection protocol.

So if you have Apple as I understand the latest news, DJI has pulled the toggle off the Fly App, too many people do not understand the issue as I have outlined and continue to blame DJI (As well as any other interface) IF I understand correctly, Apple devices have this system built into their devices in the iOS system, DJI just used a shortcut to that command and implemented it into the App. For those who use Apple products and understand them, you must have a certain level of charge to trigger the on screen charge indicator.

Old chargers (Non Apple) only provide 500ma or up to 1.0 amp (Old Android Chargers). These will not trigger the charge indicator even though Apple is still receiving a charge (Power off and it will still full charge your Apple). I suggest people look and see if they have their apple set up properly in their settings, Google "USB Restricted Mode" and adjust accordingly. Apple takes a 2.0 Amp and higher to show actual charge which the DJI controller will not supply...unless of course DJI found a way to full energize the USB to allow for such.

Also originally you couldn't have any other device plugged into USB ports or it would lock the data connection between controller and device. DJI worked out that issue and I believe now you can indeed use two ports on the controller simultaneously. One for controller to device and the other for a charging input such as a power bank. So you have that option...but know that both ports if implemented as I described will indeed supply power to the controller. So you want to have your devices fully charged at first then said power bank would try and charge thus reducing but not eliminating the issue.

One further thing, I am seeing chatter over the years posted that it is/may be possible to stop android device charge if the device is rooted, I haven't investigated that claim but would probably need to know the custom Rom command or any App that would do this. This thread shows the ignorance of the issue and how long it has been going on..The blaming of DJI is just ridiculous and unwarranted. controller charging android phone...

Hope this clears things up???
I am just an amateur hobbyist at this drone thing... but DJI seems to be splintering into a confusing MESS, with ... Update Versions, Phone Versions, Drone Versions, Country Versions, even depends sometimes of what your phone's OS Version is. What a MESS!! This is going to drive hobbyist away from this company in my humble opinion.
I am just an amateur hobbyist at this drone thing... but DJI seems to be splintering into a confusing MESS, with ... Update Versions, Phone Versions, Drone Versions, Country Versions, even depends sometimes of what your phone's OS Version is. What a MESS!! This is going to drive hobbyist away from this company in my humble opinion.
It was just explained in the previous post that DJI is not at fault. Remember, they have to deal with dozens of phone manufacturers, each with different electronics, even by model by the same company. They do pretty darn good making them all work well with their app and controllers. When you buy almost anything electronic today, even TVs, it is never the final product when you walk out the door with it as there are unforeseen issues, changes in other company products, so updates are not only necessary but a necessity and appreciated to keep things working well together. Often new features can even be offered, improvements that you didn't expect.
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