There are already users reporting that they have updated and re activated and their Mavics are fine. There is nothing to suggest diminished capabilities after upgrading and re activating.
Absolutely correct. But that's only half of the update. The new companion firmware didn't come out yet.
I hope that all the speculation isn't correct, but you do realize that all the restrictions being put in place for chinese pilots, is now in the go app that you just updated, and will be in the upcoming firmware? What makes you think that DJI, at their whim, can't turn all that on?
You only get crippled if you don't re-register and do the update.
Can anyone tell me of any other company that cripples their product if you don't follow their demand (re-register) after a voluntary update to their software?
You must admit that it must be pretty important for DJI to update their user base with re-registering.....the question is why? If it is absolutely nothing, why force a re-register?
I find this whole thing kinda comical. People have taken sides, instead of taking a step back and really looking at the main issue of a forced re-registration, or ELSE.
several options that I can think of...
1. do nothing. Fly and enjoy your Mavic. No changes. No chance for further restrictions being put in place because you don't update and re-connect to DJI.
2. update the Go App. Don't re-register. Enjoy crippled functionality of your Mavic, courtesy of DJI.
3. Update the Go app and re-register. Fly and enjoy your Mavic, no changes that are apparent, unless you fly in China. Going forward, there may be local restrictions put in place as flight rules change (like China) for your area/country.
4. Ditch DJI and fly open source. No restrictions.
5. Fly a hobby airplane. No restrictions, (USA) flies higher, farther and longer than any drone can.
Thats all. No right or wrong decision. Do what is best for your situation.