I've never had much faith in DLOG. But I don't have much experience with it as my go to DJI platform is the Inspire 2 and I can shoot RAW in CinemaDNG which is far more powerful than any LOG curve. While I wish the Mavic 3 Cine could record CinemaDNG, I am OK with ProRes but it means I need to re-evaluate DLOG to see if DJI has made it any better over the years. My conclusion is it is still no good. Here are some observations:
Here are some still frames to compare.

And then desaturated which I find easier to evaluate the overall grade and looking for loss of detail in shadows / highlights. Again I don't see any benefit in the DLOG. Midtones are brighter in 709. You can still see the sky is more flat in the DLOG. DLOG does hold a little more detail in the shadows but it's not that much.

- DLOG shifts colors into strange places which are really difficult to correct. There is an overall green shift.
- DLOG grade is less natural feeling. The sky in particular feels less dynamic.
- DLOG gives your exposure A LOT of room at both ends when filming. Something like 2-3 stops. Which seems absurd. Maybe this is its big benefit if you can't nail your exposure.
- DLOG I don't see any noticeable increase in latitude.
- Rec.709 does have minor clipping even if you nail the exposure in high-contrast shots but it's minimal most of the time. Cut contrast by 15% and reel in the highlights and you should be OK.
- ETTR sucks in both versions for highlight recovery. I don't look at my exposure value often when filming but it is usually between -0.7 and -1.0. I'd rather kill a shadow than have glaring highlights I cannot tame.
Here are some still frames to compare.

And then desaturated which I find easier to evaluate the overall grade and looking for loss of detail in shadows / highlights. Again I don't see any benefit in the DLOG. Midtones are brighter in 709. You can still see the sky is more flat in the DLOG. DLOG does hold a little more detail in the shadows but it's not that much.

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