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Do I Or Don't I?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2023
NSW Australia
I've just watched a review of the Mavic Mini 4.. I've been saving my pennies to buy a Mini 3, but have just been offered a great deal on the New Mavic 4/ I've only ever owned one new Drone, the Mavic Pro Platinum so this will be a step which may end up having me Hung Drawn and quartered by she who can't be ignored.
I need someone to push me into that danger zone and hit that magic ganger zone. Should I buy or should I be a mouse and pass up a great deal. It's from a registered DJI dealer so it's not a SCAM.

The price is $1,100.00 Aussie dollars. Don't do into shock, out dollar is worth only about 70% of the USD and US DJI equipment is always a lot cheaper than here in Australia. HELP ME PLEASE. Then I can blame you lot when the parcel gets delivered and you know who spots it.
Would definitely not deny you to give yourself "what you think you deserve"... if you think this reason is good enough before your "almighty SHE who can't be ignored"

You could otherwise look at it pure technically... unbiased compare the differences & decide if the changes on the 4 Pro outweighs the higher cost... for you.

Here is one vs. comparison out of many on the WWW for example:
I've just watched a review of the Mavic Mini 4.. I've been saving my pennies to buy a Mini 3, but have just been offered a great deal on the New Mavic 4/ I've only ever owned one new Drone, the Mavic Pro Platinum so this will be a step which may end up having me Hung Drawn and quartered by she who can't be ignored.
I need someone to push me into that danger zone and hit that magic ganger zone. Should I buy or should I be a mouse and pass up a great deal. It's from a registered DJI dealer so it's not a SCAM.

The price is $1,100.00 Aussie dollars. Don't do into shock, out dollar is worth only about 70% of the USD and US DJI equipment is always a lot cheaper than here in Australia. HELP ME PLEASE. Then I can blame you lot when the parcel gets delivered and you know who spots it.
Life is short. I'd buy it in a heart beat.
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Thanks guys. your input is invaluable. Whether I do or I don't seems to be a unanimous "DO", but sadly another problem has reared it's ugly head. I sent the seller a message re the origins of his stock. The excellent offer kept reminding me of that old chestnut of, "If it sounds too good to be true" etc. By the way, I made a mistake, I was checking out the prices on the Mini4 (wishful thinking) but ended up telling you it was a Mini 4, not the Mini 3. DUH!

Here's his reply: :

Hi Stu,

We dont actively sell on eBay anymore and we havent for a while, I am not sure how this listing was still showing as active but its likely one of my team members didnt close the listing correctly.

We have our own ecommerce site where you can buy this item from, we offer fast free delivery to anywhere in Australia, the goods are dispatched from Sydney, so it should arrive to you within 3-4 business days.

I'm still feeling the aftermath and the stupidity of allowing myself to be scammed just a couple of months ago. Whilst it may be legitimate I don't think I could take another kick in the teeth.. Am I over reacting? I can't understand how a business could advertise such a deal on Ebay and me being the only person to make an enquiry about it. I checked and the listing on Ebay has vanished, but he's now making the identical offer if I buy off Ebay.

The one thing which really worries me is the lack of an answer regarding the origin of the DJI product. He doesn't appear to be a genuine DJI retailer. Is this a normal occurrence? I was told many years ago to be wary of "Grey" product, especially where warranty is concerned.

Perhaps my paranoia has kicked in, or is it more like a red flag parade? One thing is for sure, I can't afford to pay the price of the same equipment from a Genuine DJI retailer. Not when the difference is almost $400. Is there that much markup on A Mini 3? which still allows for a profit to be made?

By the way, I already have the Mavic Air 2. I purchased it as a used item at a price I couldn't refuse, I simply wanted the Mini 3 as a "new" addition to the fleet. The prices of new DJI has always been above and beyond what she one in a billion wife accepted for what she classes as a big boy's toy. Believe it or not she's allowed me to dabble in my hobbies for all of our married life. I make fun of her financial restraints, but for over 40 years my male friends have often asked how I manage to get away with what I'm able to purchase. Whilst she gives me virtual free reign, she refuses to spend similar amounts on herself. How many women do you know who openly state, she only buys what she "NEEDS" not what she "WANTS"? As many have told me over the past 40+ years I caught myself a keeper. Personally I prefer to see it as "Third Time Lucky". :)
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Your questions to the buyer are spot on I have purchased many a drone off Ebay and I always contact the seller first if not NO SALE. thats just the way it has to be nowadays Good for you.
Have you Tryied CAMRISE on Ebay (DJI New York) the can be trusted and they have great prices on refurbs.
Hi Cafguy,

I haven't tried CAMRISE, Mainly because I'm in Australia. I've seen the prices in the USA and they are usually a reason to drool, even accounting for the exchange rate they are amazing. The problem is, the shipping prices. I'm convinced the sellers use shipping to inflate their selling price. I've seen many items selling for a decent price with the shipping exceeding the buying price. The only way to get a bargain is to have someone in the US act as a go between. I buy the drone and the seller sends it to the go between and he ships it on to me. Obviously it's a matter of finding someone who's 100% trustworthy and that's almost impossible when everyone is a complete stranger.

A number of years ago I found a young lady who would let me have digital cameras sent to her and when she had enough to ship in a medium sized box she's send them to me. This gave saved me a small fortune. We became good friends, along with her husband and my wife. Sadly she passed away from a brain tumour. I still have every camera she shipped to me.

What I need is a kind businessman who's visiting Australia to pack a Mini in his luggage and bring it over to Oz. Then again there's probably some import law which would stop this happening. But as is usual, I can dream. :-) Actually I often recall that old song, Second Hand Rose. I'm convinced my life is similar. Most of what I own is and has been second hand. It may be my imagination, but I'm finding a growing trend on Ebay for people to sell off their faulty equipment and forget to mention it has a problem.

Thank you for your input and advice. As a matter of interest I had some good news today. The Aussie Veteran's Association emailed me to say they've authorized a Mobility scooter and it'll arrive in 12 days. This will let me drive to a playing field at the end of my street to fly a drone. I used to fly there prior to becoming disabled. I haven't been out my front door for 5 years, (except for a 3 month stay in hospital). It'll be great to get back into the air and to have some sunshine. Unfortunately without the Mini 3.

Forgive my waffle, it's becoming a habit for me to talk too much. :)

Happy flying, regards Stu
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"Waffle" all you like lol. That's why the forum is here. I am also a disabled Vet, Thank goodness I don't need a scooter (yet) Great to hear you can get back out and enjoy life again. As for the Shipping thing Its a shame. If I where coming I would certainly smuggle for you.
If it was me I would buy- but then again you are the one that has to live with your better half lol
I am lucky My wife (she hates the word wife) works at a very good job so I get to keep my disability check for my hobby!
The mini 3 is a nice drone if that's the drone you want go for it- But don't forget to also look at the Air2S. They are cheaper and The secondary Battery market for them has the Cheapest DJI battery prices of any drone.
I've just watched a review of the Mavic Mini 4.. I've been saving my pennies to buy a Mini 3, but have just been offered a great deal on the New Mavic 4/ I've only ever owned one new Drone, the Mavic Pro Platinum so this will be a step which may end up having me Hung Drawn and quartered by she who can't be ignored.
I need someone to push me into that danger zone and hit that magic ganger zone. Should I buy or should I be a mouse and pass up a great deal. It's from a registered DJI dealer so it's not a SCAM.

The price is $1,100.00 Aussie dollars. Don't do into shock, out dollar is worth only about 70% of the USD and US DJI equipment is always a lot cheaper than here in Australia. HELP ME PLEASE. Then I can blame you lot when the parcel gets delivered and you know who spots it.
If it's real, then of course not. It's a partnership and why should you be so obviously useless? Your relationship with your wife needs to be guarded and protected. A real man plans ahead and delayed gratification is part of being a responsible adult.

Next pay raise, split the increase in 1/2 and send it to a secret bank account. Do that every year for the next decade. Print out phony articles about the dropping price of drones and leave them around the house. This way you preserve harmony in the home; you get your drone but maybe later; and since you're so selfless your wife will still give you nice Birthday presents.
Hi, I'd say, in your situation, go for it. If you'd said you already own a Mini 3 Pro then I'd have advised you to save your money. You only live once mate, go for the Mini 4 and enjoy, it's a cracking drone.
Thanks guys. your input is invaluable. Whether I do or I don't seems to be a unanimous "DO", but sadly another problem has reared it's ugly head. I sent the seller a message re the origins of his stock. The excellent offer kept reminding me of that old chestnut of, "If it sounds too good to be true" etc. By the way, I made a mistake, I was checking out the prices on the Mini4 (wishful thinking) but ended up telling you it was a Mini 4, not the Mini 3. DUH!

Here's his reply: :

Hi Stu,

We dont actively sell on eBay anymore and we havent for a while, I am not sure how this listing was still showing as active but its likely one of my team members didnt close the listing correctly.

We have our own ecommerce site where you can buy this item from, we offer fast free delivery to anywhere in Australia, the goods are dispatched from Sydney, so it should arrive to you within 3-4 business days.

I'm still feeling the aftermath and the stupidity of allowing myself to be scammed just a couple of months ago. Whilst it may be legitimate I don't think I could take another kick in the teeth.. Am I over reacting? I can't understand how a business could advertise such a deal on Ebay and me being the only person to make an enquiry about it. I checked and the listing on Ebay has vanished, but he's now making the identical offer if I buy off Ebay.

The one thing which really worries me is the lack of an answer regarding the origin of the DJI product. He doesn't appear to be a genuine DJI retailer. Is this a normal occurrence? I was told many years ago to be wary of "Grey" product, especially where warranty is concerned.

Perhaps my paranoia has kicked in, or is it more like a red flag parade? One thing is for sure, I can't afford to pay the price of the same equipment from a Genuine DJI retailer. Not when the difference is almost $400. Is there that much markup on A Mini 3? which still allows for a profit to be made?

By the way, I already have the Mavic Air 2. I purchased it as a used item at a price I couldn't refuse, I simply wanted the Mini 3 as a "new" addition to the fleet. The prices of new DJI has always been above and beyond what she one in a billion wife accepted for what she classes as a big boy's toy. Believe it or not she's allowed me to dabble in my hobbies for all of our married life. I make fun of her financial restraints, but for over 40 years my male friends have often asked how I manage to get away with what I'm able to purchase. Whilst she gives me virtual free reign, she refuses to spend similar amounts on herself. How many women do you know who openly state, she only buys what she "NEEDS" not what she "WANTS"? As many have told me over the past 40+ years I caught myself a keeper. Personally I prefer to see it as "Third Time Lucky". :)
If it is too good to be true.....DON'T TOUCH IT. It is better to spend too much than too little. You risk only a little as against all. "John Ruskin"....
I don't own a Mini 3,, just a mini One. The mini 2 isn't exactly a major leap in technology so I was watching the prices of the Mini 3. The prices of the Mini 3 and 4 are very similar here so I was interested in the 4. BUT after adding the Fly More package it really needs a healthy wallet.

I also have the Air One and Air Two, plus the Mavic Pro and Mavic Pro Platinum. Then there's the Phantom One, two's and Three's. and the 25 various brands which compared to the DJI lot could be classed as toy grade. The home designed and built fleet are hard to put a type to. I'm intending to upgrade them all to a better flight controller. Those old HobbyKing control boards (KK1 and KK2 are rather archaic and I never could get them trimmed very well. I guess their. equivalent would be a T model Ford compared to a Tesla.

As I explained on a previous thread, I'm a died in the wool collector. Out of the hundreds or RC vehicles I've only ever parted with one and that was a swap. I just can't talk myself into selling anything. Although I do think about it occasionally as I don't know what my wife would do with it all if I kick the bucket. I did make an attempt a number of years ago. I had a sale of electronics, but the locals literally wanted everything for nothing. The local second hand dealer made me an offer. "I'll take it all off your hands for $50. I estimated everything should have sold for over $1,000. (According to prices 20% less than Ebay's) I laughed and told him there was no way I'd take that and he quickly explained that I had to pay him the $50. Then he told me he was doing me a favour. "Imagine how much work I'm saving you from. plus you get instant space to store you new acquisitions." He then abused me for not supporting local business and stormed off.

What I'd really like to buy is a Mavic 3. Living in the Aussie bush we don't have anyone telling us what we can and can't fly or even where we can fly. There's plenty of room and any local authorities are more interested in how our drones work, not laying down any laws. Mind you, we're mindful of common sense when it comes to flying. I've only ever upset one person and the reason was simply his group of cricketers practicing a few hundred yards away, stopped batting and watched the drones. He complained to the local council and they ignored him. Once I get back to flying I'll make sure my flying times differ from his practice sessions.

Speaking of drone laws, I feel really sorry for you guys over the pond. It seems you have some very influential people hell bent on stopping you from flying. We had a similar problem with out gun laws some years ago. I was fully licensed and had a dozen rifles, along with loading equipment and I'd go "Roo" shooting at least twice a month. They made unlicensed shooters hand all their weapons over to the government, but the do-gooders kept pushing them to pass more laws. Even though I was 100% legit I sold everything and let my license lapse. We were made to be a low life and unclean if we owned firearms. I got out of it before things got really nasty. I'm not sure how things were elsewhere, but I discovered that small country people can often have small country brains.. :)

I'm afraid I can't consider putting money away for the next few decades. I don't think I'll be around that long. I've been given an estimate for amputation of one leg and possibly both in around 6 months. I don't believe I'd manage such a massive operation. My last major attempt under a knife left me having to be resuscitated twice. My wife assisted on both occasions. She followed me into the Intensive care room and never left. Both her and the male nurse took turns in watching and treating me. My wife had no experience with such things, but she learns quickly. The male nurse refused to knock off at the end of his shift and the two of them cared for me for the next 5 days.

My wife just informed me that operation happened exactly 20 years ago yesterday. I can't imagine the same situation in that room happening today. According to my wife she doesn't believe I'd still be here if their arrangement hadn't happened. Anyway, talk of decades isn't i my vocabulary any more. If I don't have the money I don't buy, but watch out when the bank balance is favourable. :)

Darn, I waffled again. Put up with me for a couple more weeks, then I'll be driving my scooter to the main street and hopefully I'll find plenty of people to talk to. I've got plenty of years to catch up on. It shouldn't take me more than an hour to drive downtown, My only problem will be the weather. We have temperatures up to 50 degrees C here and 40+ is common. Nobody's invented a scooter with air conditioning so I'm going to have to get used to sweating profusely. I've got other plans for the scooter and drones, but maybe I'll waffle about that next time. Happy flying to all. Stu
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I will second this one for sure! and you cant beat the price of the batteries either!
When considering wind resistance the Air models always come out on top. Minis are great drones but if you live in an area that experiences frequent windy conditions that is another consideration. With the Air 2/2S 20 knots constant or 25 knot gusts are a personal limit for safe flight and/or stable footage even though they can technically handle a bit more. If weather will keep you on the ground upgrading to a drone with more mass will be a bigger step up than a newer feature list.
Yes I agree, the Air 2 is a much heavier unit. Because I already have the Air 1 and 2 perhaps my best bet would be a Mavic Pro 2. I've always been looking at that Hasselblad camera. The same company who put cameras on the Moon. I was amazed when I discovered there was a baby Hasselblad on the drone. My only problem is they appear to retain their hefty used price. I'd grab one in a flash if I could find one at $1,000 AUD. That's about my limit today and I can't see that changing any time soon. There are too many bills about to rear their ugly heads.

To the guys who fly differing DJI models what would you recommend? A local attempted to talk me into a Potensic Atom, He tells me it leaves the DJI's for dead. After much searching I had to wonder how the heck he arrived at such a claim. It's garbage when compared to any DJI drone.

There are many other brands available, but mostly only available in the US. And it looks as if they're copying DJI's pricing, or close to it. But to be fair, I've had nothing to do with other brands, especially when the majority of reviews are rigged and only because many of the reviewers received the drone for free. Plus there's always the DJI fanboi who decides the outcome of any comparisons prior to him actually flying the drone, Does anyone remember the comparison between the Mavic Pro and the Xiaomi Mi. Drone? That would have been the most disgusting comparison I've seen on YouTube. I watched it with an open mind, mainly because I owned both of them and still do.

My darling wife has asked me why I need another drone. My explanation is I don't "NEED" another drone, I simply want one to try out the new features. What's the good of collecting drones if you don't try to keep up with technology, albeit 12 months or more after it's been released. She reckons I'm too old to be worried about technology. My stock answer has always been, "A woman is as old as she looks. A man is old when he stops looking. I'm still looking, but drones now have a priority. :)
Here's an update. I shelved the Mini Mavic 4 purchase and went for a Mavic 2Pro with the Hasselblad camera. The comment made by Trabseyn regarding the wind factor was the reason for the change. My home town is located on land as flat as a billiard table and wind can be a pain for weeks on end.

Thank you to those who took their time to give me advice. I do appreciate it and I take notice of what you say.
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