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Don't be deceived by calm wind

Thanks for sharing your story. Good reminder to always be vigilant.
I also launch/land from a deck. When landing on deck I fly in backwards to avoid front object sensing detecting wall. Not a fan of hand catching. I have same roof issue as you and on planned longer flights use yard as RTH point.
Glad your adrenaline flight turned out good.

If you do hand catching, do it from the side, not from the back or the front. If the balcony/deck doesn't have enough clear space, IMHO hand catching is actually the better option.

I always set a safe home point in every flight, to the open space below my balcony. Who knows what will happen to the drone if for example the RC battery suddenly dead, or I accidentally drop the RC from the balcony? Better safe than sorry :)
Porto, I had a very similar situation happen to me. The best thing we can do is remain calm, slow down that breathing which will slow down the heart rate. Which will then allow you to better think through what you need to do

You are absolutely right. Cursing certainly didn't help :)
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If you do hand catching, do it from the side, not from the back or the front. If the balcony/deck doesn't have enough clear space, IMHO hand catching is actually the better option.

I always set a safe home point in every flight, to the open space below my balcony. Who knows what will happen to the drone if for example the RC battery suddenly dead, or I accidentally drop the RC from the balcony? Better safe than sorry :)

Me thinks you are correct and good practice to do.

Love the Mavic abilities. I could have a heart failure and Mavic could safety RTH.
Me thinks you are correct and good practice to do.

Love the Mavic abilities. I could have a heart failure and Mavic could safety RTH.

Have any videos of proper hand catching? I could have launched my Mavic from my Hotel balcony on two different vacations this year but I'm scared I'll lose a finger. Nubs no good for me. I've seen people do it on YouTube but I know there's only so much area to grab that sucker when those spinning ninja blades are working.
All that's needed for an estimation is the the tilt angle which is obviously known and a calibration.

That could be factored in as well given altitude is known.

The Mavic already calculates wind direction and speed, they are in the detailed aircraft logs. Just not transmitted/displayed.

Why would the pilot need to know the airspeed?

Why would the pilot need to know the airspeed?

The pilot doesn't need to know the airspeed, the drone itself needs it to perform certain calculations accurately. I wouldn't mind having the TAS displayed, as a quick comparison between ground speed and true airspeed gives you a fairly good idea of the headwind or tailwind component.

It would really be nice to have TAS information displayed while flying the Mavic in FPV mode, too.

It really just boils down to individual preferences on what you want to have displayed. Some guys have no use for it, others do, and the software can make use of it in several different ways.
Have any videos of proper hand catching? I could have launched my Mavic from my Hotel balcony on two different vacations this year but I'm scared I'll lose a finger. Nubs no good for me. I've seen people do it on YouTube but I know there's only so much area to grab that sucker when those spinning ninja blades are working.
I am not sure if you are asking me or CoolBreeze. It seems there is a problem with this thread that when we reply with a quote, it was someone else's quote that is included, not the intended one.
Edit: actually it's not the problem with the website. In the other thread, someone indeed misquoted his reply. He quoted my post when he actually replying to someone else.

Anyway, I don't have any video on how to hand catch Mavic from the side. You can search YouTube for that. I also learned it from YT.
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The Mavic cannot measure wind speed or direction, it does not have the necessary hardware, it can ONLY estimate it. It can only calculate ground speed via GPS.

To calculate wind speed you have to have Pitot system and pressure sensor that is always facing direction of travel.

Wind speed is the the difference between airspeed and ground speed.

I would have thought a reasonable estimation of wind direction and speed could be clacualted by the electronics by collating a few bits of info like motor revs, motor tilt, vs speed.
Maybe down the track it could be added if they get around to it.
Even a roughly increased safety margin for auto RTH or your warnings would help.
This is a copy and paste of a thread I posted in another forum.

I almost lost my Mavic this evening. The wind was calm to almost non existent on the ground level, so I thought: well, it's a good early evening to do some long distance flight. I did not even bother to check UAV Forecast as there was practically no wind at the ground level.

After the usual take off from the balcony and landed on a small clearing in front of the balcony to get GPS lock and to set Home Point, I started the flight with battery level of about 96%. Nothing unusual about the flight. Cruising along at 150m high (legal limit in my country), the Mavic rarely touch 50kph so I didn't think that I was having tailwind (never do longish flight with tailwind!). Smart RTH kicked in just before I reached 5km with 67% battery remaining. Nothing unusual, I have done this many, many times.

I've set the Mavic RTH speed at 48 kph, so with muted RTH beeps, I can have a relaxing RTH flight. This time, the Mavic barely got 30kph. Immediately I knew I was in trouble. Pushing the right stick forward didn't help at all as I've set it close to it's max speed under GPS mode with OA off. Switched to Sports mode did increase the speed somewhat and I used this mode for a while. But then I thought as I was still more than 4.6km away and the Mavic was still going "reasonably" fast, Sports mode was probably not a good idea. So I switched back to normal mode. When it reached 4km away from HP, I lowered the height to 120m. Didn't help any, so I lowered it even further to 100m. Not a difference. And it was still 3.5km away. My heart was pounding and I started to curse. I knew I was in deep trouble. Lowered it even further to 90m high, still no difference. And it was still over 3km away. Lowered it even further to 80m, still no difference. Cannot lower it further as I started to lose connection and there were rather tall buildings to the left and right of the path. Brought it back up to 90m. 25% battery remaining and it was still 1.8km away! I thought I would certainly lose it as it won't make it back home. Once it reached 25%, the battery seemed to drop faster!

I lived in an urban jungle, if the Mavic landed somewhere on the street or on people's property, I might as well kiss it good bye. 900m away from HP and it started to pick up speed, reaching a bit over 40kph. 600m away and the battery was at critical level and the Mavic started to autoland. As I have mentioned in several threads, Safer Autoland didn't work for me. To make things worse, to cancel the autoland I switched to Sports mode, but in panic forgot to return it back to normal mode, so the Mavic did not respond smoothly with joysticks input. Pounding heartbeat didn't help either. I had to fight it from landing and it was still 600+m away! By this time RTH didn't work as it already attempted to land, so I have to control it manually with that jerky joystick response. While kept on pushing the right stick forward, I let the altitude to drop. At that time I thought (wrongly as I was in panic) that it's better to let it fall from lower altitude than high, higher chance of survival. Then finally...with 7% battery level remaining I managed to get it above the small plot of land in front of my balcony. Right there it started to land, could not force it to go up anymore. It was also already too dark for me to visually brought it to the smooth surface I "dedicated" for it to land, but at least it's somewhere I can get it! It finally landed on a rocky uneven surface with 5% battery remaining. Nicked one of the prop slightly as it hit some rocks. Not needed to be replaced though as it was very minor damage. Considering that I almost lost the drone, it was really nothing!

Now, if only Safer Autoland works, I would probably be a little bit calmer and can manage to land it at its designated landing place. Another lesson learnt? Even if the surface wind is almost non existant, I will always check UAV Forecast before attempting a long distance flight. The wind up there and 4-5km away can be very different and can caught us by surprise. Checking UAV Forecast later showed that on the return flight I had sideway headwind with gusts of 35kph!

It is very common for winds just slightly above the surface of the ground to be from different directions and of different velocities than the wind at the surface. Wind is also very dynamic; just because the current wind 20 feet in the air is out of the south at 10 doesn't mean it'll be the same 30 seconds from now. Repeat after me: "Wind is DYNAMIC"! :)

I've read many threads where guys try to get max distance out of their drones by depending on the wind remaining constant throughout their flight. Some of those posts have resulted in lost drones.

Here's the "too long/didn't read" version: NEVER COUNT ON THE WIND TO REMAIN CONSTANT, EVER. :D

Also keep in mind that wind direction/velocity can change very rapidly according to altitude. You did do the right thing by trying different altitudes.

This is just my opinion, but take it for what it's worth (probably not very much): "Never plan a flight where you will be landing with less than 35% battery remaining". And "Never count on the 'you have enough battery to get home at this point' marker in the software". The software *does not* take wind into consideration in it's calculation of getting home safely.

Glad to hear that you got your drone back, and that no one was hurt. :) Thank you for sharing this learning experience with us!
This is a copy and paste of a thread I posted in another forum.

I almost lost my Mavic this evening. The wind was calm to almost non existent on the ground level, so I thought: well, it's a good early evening to do some long distance flight. I did not even bother to check UAV Forecast as there was practically no wind at the ground level.

After the usual take off from the balcony and landed on a small clearing in front of the balcony to get GPS lock and to set Home Point, I started the flight with battery level of about 96%. Nothing unusual about the flight. Cruising along at 150m high (legal limit in my country), the Mavic rarely touch 50kph so I didn't think that I was having tailwind (never do longish flight with tailwind!). Smart RTH kicked in just before I reached 5km with 67% battery remaining. Nothing unusual, I have done this many, many times.

I've set the Mavic RTH speed at 48 kph, so with muted RTH beeps, I can have a relaxing RTH flight. This time, the Mavic barely got 30kph. Immediately I knew I was in trouble. Pushing the right stick forward didn't help at all as I've set it close to it's max speed under GPS mode with OA off. Switched to Sports mode did increase the speed somewhat and I used this mode for a while. But then I thought as I was still more than 4.6km away and the Mavic was still going "reasonably" fast, Sports mode was probably not a good idea. So I switched back to normal mode. When it reached 4km away from HP, I lowered the height to 120m. Didn't help any, so I lowered it even further to 100m. Not a difference. And it was still 3.5km away. My heart was pounding and I started to curse. I knew I was in deep trouble. Lowered it even further to 90m high, still no difference. And it was still over 3km away. Lowered it even further to 80m, still no difference. Cannot lower it further as I started to lose connection and there were rather tall buildings to the left and right of the path. Brought it back up to 90m. 25% battery remaining and it was still 1.8km away! I thought I would certainly lose it as it won't make it back home. Once it reached 25%, the battery seemed to drop faster!

I lived in an urban jungle, if the Mavic landed somewhere on the street or on people's property, I might as well kiss it good bye. 900m away from HP and it started to pick up speed, reaching a bit over 40kph. 600m away and the battery was at critical level and the Mavic started to autoland. As I have mentioned in several threads, Safer Autoland didn't work for me. To make things worse, to cancel the autoland I switched to Sports mode, but in panic forgot to return it back to normal mode, so the Mavic did not respond smoothly with joysticks input. Pounding heartbeat didn't help either. I had to fight it from landing and it was still 600+m away! By this time RTH didn't work as it already attempted to land, so I have to control it manually with that jerky joystick response. While kept on pushing the right stick forward, I let the altitude to drop. At that time I thought (wrongly as I was in panic) that it's better to let it fall from lower altitude than high, higher chance of survival. Then finally...with 7% battery level remaining I managed to get it above the small plot of land in front of my balcony. Right there it started to land, could not force it to go up anymore. It was also already too dark for me to visually brought it to the smooth surface I "dedicated" for it to land, but at least it's somewhere I can get it! It finally landed on a rocky uneven surface with 5% battery remaining. Nicked one of the prop slightly as it hit some rocks. Not needed to be replaced though as it was very minor damage. Considering that I almost lost the drone, it was really nothing!

Now, if only Safer Autoland works, I would probably be a little bit calmer and can manage to land it at its designated landing place. Another lesson learnt? Even if the surface wind is almost non existant, I will always check UAV Forecast before attempting a long distance flight. The wind up there and 4-5km away can be very different and can caught us by surprise. Checking UAV Forecast later showed that on the return flight I had sideway headwind with gusts of 35kph!

Man sollte, wenn schon das Höhenlimit von 150m beachtet wird, auch die maximale Distanz von 500m einhalten. Da ist das mit dem Wind zumindest noch eher beherrschbar ... siehe auch die Warnmeldung in der DJI Go4 App, wenn zu viel Wind ist!

Man sollte, wenn schon das Höhenlimit von 150m beachtet wird, auch die maximale Distanz von 500m einhalten. Da ist das mit dem Wind zumindest noch eher beherrschbar ... siehe auch die Warnmeldung in der DJI Go4 App, wenn zu viel Wind ist!
I use Google Translate to try to understand your post. If the translation is correct, here is my reply:

The law for recreational drone in my country is still very loose. Other than the usual restricted areas of no fly zones, basically the only limit is 150m height restriction. There is no limit on how far you can fly or how far away we have to be from buildings, etc. As long as we don't cause any accident or cause injury to other people, we are still very free in flying drones here. However, if you cause any accident or injured other people, they can get you with other laws. So, being sensible is definitely a must.

As for high wind warnings, I am too used to ignore it. Guilty as charged. DJI set limits that are too low (not just according to me but many people seems to think so). When it gives warning for even the slightest wind again and again, it loses credibility. There are other ways that are more reliable than the low value DJI set for High Wind Velocity Warning in its parameter setting, but I was decieved by the calm wind on the ground level and so got careless. That's why the title of the thread is Don't be Deceived by Calm Wind.
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We're talking of wind speed and direction. But both this and airspeed are determined form the same source, so...

You should know the wind speed and direction before even taking off. As for airspeed, you don't need it because your frame of reference is with the ground, so groundspeed is what you need to know. Airspeed derived from anything other than a pitot system is likely to be highly inaccurate, not that it matters because you are not flying fixed wind.
I use Google Translate to try to understand your post. If the translation is correct, here is my reply:

The law for recreational drone in my country is still very loose. Other than the usual restricted areas of no fly zones, basically the only limit is 150m height restriction. There is no limit on how far you can fly or how far away we have to be from buildings, etc. As long as we don't cause any accident or cause injury to other people, we are still very free in flying drones here. However, if you cause any accident or injured other people, they can get you with other laws. So, being sensible is definitely a must.

As for high wind warnings, I am too used to ignore it. Guilty as charged. DJI set limits that are too low (not just according to me but many people seems to think so). When it gives warning for even the slightest wind again and again, it loses credibility. There are other ways that are more reliable than the low value DJI set for High Wind Velocity Warning in its parameter setting, but I was decieved by the calm wind on the ground level and so got careless. That's why the title of the thread is Don't be Deceived by Calm Wind.

People need to make an effort to understand things like wind gradient. But regardless, don't fly downwind if you don't need to, and if you must then stay LOS. These are simple operating procedures yet time and time again people don't apply common sense.
How do you mute the RTH bips ???
I learned it from here:

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But instead of replacing the buzzer with LEDs, I simply put in some tiny pieces of padded foam and covered the hole with electrical tape.

If you don't feel comfortable opening up your RC, there is a more "crude" way of doing it:

Fix Controller Buzzer in 10 Minutes "Easy"
Thanks for both solution. But not for me.... I thought it was a set up or something like that. I won't open nor tinker my RC
This thread is about wind speed, NOT RTH beeps, why can people stay on topic.
Got that off my chest, moving on...

I have a lot of tall trees around where I fly and check out the top branches. Even if it is clam at ground level and the tops are vigorously moving back and forth, I will keep my bird on the ground. Also, the UAV Forecast app gives you wind speeds at various altitudes, but I don't know how accurate they can be, since it is just a guesstimate, unless there is an airport near by and UAV is getting their data from there. Anyone flying an airplane needs to know what the wind speeds and direction aloft are before taking off.
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This thread is about wind speed, NOT RTH beeps, why can people stay on topic.
Got that off my chest, moving on...

I have a lot of tall trees around where I fly and check out the top branches. Even if it is clam at ground level and the tops are vigorously moving back and forth, I will keep my bird on the ground. Also, the UAV Forecast app gives you wind speeds at various altitudes, but I don't know how accurate they can be, since it is just a guesstimate, unless there is an airport near by and UAV is getting their data from there. Anyone flying an airplane needs to know what the wind speeds and direction aloft are before taking off.
To be fair to CamoGreg, I did mention about the silenced beeps in my original post. So it is understandable if he wanted to know, and it's not like the discussion is then brought to that direction:)

You are probably right about UAV Forecast. I now even suspect that for high altitude wind/gusts, it is probably not very accurate. They probably use interpolation for that. However for the wind direction it is always spot on so far, at least where I live. That's already good enough to help me in deciding whether to do long flight or not (won't do it if having tailwind on the outbound flight).
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To be fair to CamoGreg, I did mention about the silenced beeps in my original post. So it is understandable if he wanted to know, and it's not like the discussion is then brought to that direction:)
Reason why I asked [emoji6]
I have an app called "windCompass" that gives a nice graphical speed and direction, as well as forecast for the next 48 hours. It also provides temperature. The nice thing is that it also provides the wind at a specified altitude.

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