Well-Known Member
Hacking the Mavic has been around for a year now, with hundreds, if not thousands of videos and forum threads (here and elsewhere) on the topic. Many of us have done it with great success. You can already fly your stock Mavic 4x higher than the legal limit in the US. If I read one more time that "THIS" (whatever THIS is) is going to ruin it for the rest of us, I'm going to have an aneurysm. Take your dresses off, ladies - and put on a pair of pants. I've been flying a modified MP for a year, and no one is dead (don't anyone quote this to cleverly add the word, "yet" to that sentence
). I am one of the most cautious and respectful flyers out there. There are many great features that come from the available hacks ~ not just the height restriction hack ~but many more. It may not be for everyone, but it also impacts no one else during a SAFE flight, done within the FAA guidelines. The guy even states in the video that he wouldn't fly that high, himself. Do you all get concerned when you see a video of someone dropping a new motor in their Ferrari so that instead of topping out at 160mph, they can now go 220mph? Have they ruined it for the rest of the drivers on the road? Seriously, grow a pair...

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