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Electronic ‘in flight’ Drone ID Proposed

I don't think so... free time drones (under some dimension and kg) can't be dangerous
FAA Establishes Drone I.D. Rulemaking Committee. This has to violate our constitutional rights. As a private citizen using a toy for hobby recreational use no one has the right to collect information about me or my toy. Take a look outside and up in the air and tell me how many quads you see in the sky.... What you do not see any? Or do you see hundreds flying all out of control and everywhere. Really its just BS and more government over-reach.. How many ppl have bb guns? Why are they not collecting information on them? Or the kid next door that keeps hitting the baseball in my yard it could hit my dog... The FAA is overstepping it's Authority when it comes to hobby recreational use! If you are part 107 then they can force you to give up the info.
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I'm all for it if it helps to save our hobby from the ones who are spoiling it for those of us who abide by the rules :)
You can give up your freedom but do not put me in that group! Save our hobby from what? Some dip **** its called being responsible and taking responsibility for your own actions. Really like quads are going anywhere. I am sure you never let you quad go out of your sight or you never go over the speed limit even by 1 mph! ;)
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I don't let my quad out of sight no, in fact, i've just purchased some cree LED's so i can see it from further away, i'm not comfortable with my mavic out of sight, i can't tell if a bird is going to dive bomb it if i can't see it. Most of the time, i do stick to the speed limit, infact, the older i get, the more i find life is a journey, not a destination, i'm in no rush to get somewhere these days, i have occasionally broken the law, yes, and i have three points on my license. However, i will not go and park my car in such a place where it's a danger to passenger jets or trains etc! Slight enhancement of seriousness, no?
I don't let my quad out of sight no, in fact, i've just purchased some cree LED's so i can see it from further away, i'm not comfortable with my mavic out of sight, i can't tell if a bird is going to dive bomb it if i can't see it. Most of the time, i do stick to the speed limit, infact, the older i get, the more i find life is a journey, not a destination, i'm in no rush to get somewhere these days, i have occasionally broken the law, yes, and i have three points on my license. However, i will not go and park my car in such a place where it's a danger to passenger jets or trains etc! Slight enhancement of seriousness, no?

I would never purchase a mavic pro if that was the sum usage of it.
That's like keeping a race horse in a barn and letting its potential being wasted.

It's about more than flying it 4 miles out of sight, it's about photography, being able to get photo's that i otherwise wouldn't be able to get, i don't need to go out of sight to do that. I can take it nearly a mile away without losing sight with my Cree© LED's, maybe even further. If i want to get a photo of something further than a mile or so, i'll get closer to my subject so i can still see my Mavic and be sure i'm not going to run into any power lines or get too close to a birds nest and have it be attacked, after all, you can only see in one direction at any time on your phone screen from your mavic's feed.

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Don't know whether the next link will work but you wouldn't be able to see these power lines on your phone screen ;)

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According to recode, the FAA wants to create a remote drone ID system which would work ‘in flight’

More here: Drones may soon have to identify themselves electronically while in flight

Good. Its long overdue and quite probably the only way to stop more and more draconian regulation or outright bans. Self policing isn't working. There are far far too many idiots who are completely aware of the rules yet choose to deliberately breach them, fly where they shouldn't, too high, over groups of people and everything else. The community on average isn't grown up enough to "play nice". Its sad but something like this is needed as there has to be some control before an incident occurs.

Personally i'd prefer an ADS-B system. That means its already compatible with aircraft systems and some ground stations meaning you can be seen. When im flying i WANT to be seen by other objects nearby and in the airspace for safety reasons.

You buy a car then you have to pass tests, the vehicle has to meet standards and there are rules to follow. The rules are to protect yourself, other road users and innocent third parties from harm. You buy a small aircraft and the rules are there to protect your asset, other airspace users and 3rd parties on the ground. People dont seem to "get" this or chose to ignore it.
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I don't let my quad out of sight no, in fact, i've just purchased some cree LED's so i can see it from further away, i'm not comfortable with my mavic out of sight, i can't tell if a bird is going to dive bomb it if i can't see it. Most of the time, i do stick to the speed limit, infact, the older i get, the more i find life is a journey, not a destination, i'm in no rush to get somewhere these days, i have occasionally broken the law, yes, and i have three points on my license. However, i will not go and park my car in such a place where it's a danger to passenger jets or trains etc! Slight enhancement of seriousness,
It's about more than flying it 4 miles out of sight, it's about photography, being able to get photo's that i otherwise wouldn't be able to get, i don't need to go out of sight to do that. I can take it nearly a mile away without losing sight with my Cree© LED's, maybe even further. If i want to get a photo of something further than a mile or so, i'll get closer to my subject so i can still see my Mavic and be sure i'm not going to run into any power lines or get too close to a birds nest and have it be attacked, after all, you can only see in one direction at any time on your phone screen from your mavic's feed.

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Don't know whether the next link will work but you wouldn't be able to see these power lines on your phone screen ;)

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Even if you can see the lights on the mavic I doubt you would see a power line at a mile away. The polls but not the line.
As a private citizen using a toy for hobby recreational use no one has the right to collect information about me or my toy.

Really? You own or drive a car? Guess what, they require details because you share the road. You "toy" shares airspace. Same thing.
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Good. Its long overdue and quite probably the only way to stop more and more draconian regulation or outright bans. Self policing isn't working. There are far far too many idiots who are completely aware of the rules yet choose to deliberately breach them, fly where they shouldn't, too high, over groups of people and everything else. The community on average isn't grown up enough to "play nice". Its sad but something like this is needed as there has to be some control before an incident occurs.

Personally i'd prefer an ADS-B system. That means its already compatible with aircraft systems and some ground stations meaning you can be seen. When im flying i WANT to be seen by other objects nearby and in the airspace for safety reasons.

You buy a car then you have to pass tests, the vehicle has to meet standards and there are rules to follow. The rules are to protect yourself, other road users and innocent third parties from harm. You buy a small aircraft and the rules are there to protect your asset, other airspace users and 3rd parties on the ground. People dont seem to "get" this or chose to ignore it.
"You buy a car then you have to pass tests, the vehicle has to meet standards and there are rules to follow. The rules are to protect yourself, other road users and innocent third parties from harm."
Yes because registering and taking test stops people from getting injured or killed in vehicles. Really? How many people still drive without licenses or insurance? How many people drink and drive still? If somebody is going to break the rules they're going to do it no matter what. The government has too many rules and regulations they can't even keep up with them it's absurd. Commercial pilots can have more rules and regulations should not. If I break a law or if I hurt somebody with my toy whether it's a bicycle a baseball or my quad I will be responsible and ultimately get in trouble after proven in a court of law and I have the ability defend myself in a court of law. Again take a look outside right now go outside and look up in the air how many quads do you see flying around? Turn on the news right now do you see hundreds and thousands of quads crashing into airplanes and killing people give me a break people...
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Really? You own or drive a car? Guess what, they require details because you share the road. You "toy" shares airspace. Same thing.
It is not the same thing! A 2000 pound car driving 70 miles an hour next to other 2,000 lb cars is a completely different scenario than a 2lb drone flying for 15 minutes above my house!
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It is not the same thing! A 2000 pound car driving 70 miles an hour next to other 2,000 lb cars is a completely different scenario than a 2lb drone flying for 15 minutes above my house!

Until it gets sucked into a turbine causing delays for damage inspection, hits the proper of a single engine plane, falls out of the sky and injures someone, crashes into a power line and causes outages or causes a disturbance to 3rd parties.
The are rules and laws that exist for various good reasons. People are deliberately and openly violating them. Something needs to be done before the laws are changed to outright bans. I cant think of a single downside to a transponder.
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How many people still drive without licenses or insurance? How many people drink and drive still?

Many. The difference is its possible to identify and trace the offenders, prosecute them, fine or jail them. And the number doing it are far lower than if there was no regulation.

Do you just randomly pick and choose whats laws you feel like ignoring or following on any given day when you get out of bed ? You bought an aircraft not a toy. It uses airspace you dont own controlled by others. Other things use that airspace perfectly legally - they have rules and regulations to follow for safety and deconfliction. You want to share it then follow the rules. You dont get to pick and choose with rules apply to you and which ones dont.

Take some responsibility, realise what you own and realise what needs to be done to safely operate. Or would you rather a complete blanket ban because the things cannot be controlled? Because thats coming if people dont grow up.

We're talking a simple transponder so the drone can be seen by other aircraft in the area and their TCAS systems. There are no downsides there other than from the idiots willingly choosing to break the rules.
Until it gets sucked into a turbine causing delays for damage inspection, hits the proper of a single engine plane, falls out of the sky and injures someone, crashes into a power line and causes outages or causes a disturbance to 3rd parties.
The are rules and laws that exist for various good reasons. People are deliberately and openly violating them. Something needs to be done before the laws are changed to outright bans. I cant think of a single downside to a transponder.
If and When? Really give me a break! All the laws for vehicles and guns do not stop everything or bad people from doing bad things. If and when it happens the the persons involved will be punished appropriately! Sh$t happens but we still have our guns and vehicles and people are still driving drunk breaking the speed limit and shooting people so all the new laws and regulations did crap huh? There are laws that people are not supposed to murder each other and it still happens. The laws and regulations did not stop it from happening!
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I'm all for a system like this. While many of the rules seem a bit much - I don't have a problem with flying beyond LOS when done carefully, for example. However these idiots who keep flying around other aircraft need to be stopped and punished. There have been 3 wildfires near where I live in Arizona, including one massive one. All 3 have had flight operations interfered with by idiots with drones. One of these fires resulted in significant loss of property and could have easily resulted in loss of life of firefighters due to grounded flights. If there was a real time ID system it would help catch these morons. Thankfully the worst offender was caught and is facing major charges.
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Many. The difference is its possible to identify and trace the offenders, prosecute them, fine or jail them. And the number doing it are far lower than if there was no regulation.

Do you just randomly pick and choose whats laws you feel like ignoring or following on any given day when you get out of bed ? You bought an aircraft not a toy. It uses airspace you dont own controlled by others. Other things use that airspace perfectly legally - they have rules and regulations to follow for safety and deconfliction. You want to share it then follow the rules. You dont get to pick and choose with rules apply to you and which ones dont.

Take some responsibility, realise what you own and realise what needs to be done to safely operate. Or would you rather a complete blanket ban because the things cannot be controlled? Because thats coming if people dont grow up.

We're talking a simple transponder so the drone can be seen by other aircraft in the area and their TCAS systems. There are no downsides there other than from the idiots willingly choosing to break the rules.
Your point is completely ridiculous I have a "toy" drone and I have many of them and most of them do not have GPS and cost 30$ and up and I built half of them. If I wanted to break the law I could easily. As could many other people it's called being responsible for your own action. I don't need the government to tell me what I can and cannot do Or some busybody! Commercial pilots can have as many regulations as they feel they need to put on them not hobbyist. And if somebody does break the law and crashes into plane believe me it won't be that hard for them to find them with all the technology.
Again take a look outside and tell me how many quads do you see? Again turn on the news and how many quads do you see flying into planes and killing people?
How many people are dying in automobile accidents and they have all the regulations and that doesn't stop them accidents wow something different needs to be done! I know put more warning on the cars and make people pay more for safety and add more regulations that will definitely stop anybody from breaking the law then!
Funny how the majority of the ones complaining about these possible new rules are also the ones who routinely break regulations, complain about not being able to fly in NFZ/ controlled airspace, and would do anything to hack their devices to disable safeguards.
FAA, please listen. Those who do not hold a certificated pilots license should be restricted to a maximum altitude of 400 ft. AGL and able to fly in Class G airspace only. Only certificated aircraft pilots (ATP, commercial, private, recreational, sport) should be allowed to fly in any controlled airspace. My reasoning is confirmed on this board every single day.
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