What's a mountain climbing unlock? How do you FCC Boost the M2? I just did the P4PV2.0 and the frequency graph never looked better.Only looking for NFZ and altitude removal on the M2. Already have FCC.
NLD offers NFZ removal on .100 FW but still no mountain climbing unlock.
Go to 8:36 and look at the height limit and airport section. You can connect the M2 and the Spark to 1.1.2 and it would detect. I did this first on the Inspire 1 Pro (X3) with a firmware mod. I changed the vertical performance variables where I set 8 and -8. It pulls and descends awesome. When you change the height limit and airport section, tell me if it works.
Here is the 1.1.2 file and the instructions.
DJI 1.1.2 - Google Drive