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Firmware Update Fail - Network Disconnected - Restart Equipment


Jan 2, 2019
Central Oregon
OK, for my first post I may be repeating stuff found elsewhere but I searched here to no avail. And I apologize too if this is too wordy. I searched for many hours in many resources so hope including as much detail as possible might help someone avoid that chore.

I opened my Mavic 2 Pro Christmas morning. I was really surprised as my wife isn't usually tolerant of such expensive "toys". She'd seen a Mavic in action tracking whales off the Oregon coast tho and decided I (we) needed to have one.

Of course firmware updates were needed and that's where trouble began. Every time I tried to update from DJI Go 4/Controller combo I got the message "Update Failed. Restart the equipment and try again. Reason: Network Disconnected." Beneath that was the message in a blue box "Network Connected Downloading" but nothing was happening.

Whenever I retried, the download began at the percentage where update failed so by repeatedly pressing that I was able to get the controller update done; took about an hour. Not so lucky with the aircraft update. 20 tries got to 4%.

I gave up on DJI Go 4 and downloaded Assistant 2 for Mavic version 2.0.6 to my Windows 10 PC. After removing the gimbal cover I connected the aircraft to PC and started it. DJI A 2 showed onboard version as 01.00.0050 and I could downgrade to 01.00.000 or upgrade to 01.00.0100 or 01.00.0200. I tried upgrading at least 15 times over a period of 3 days but, at about 80% of the download, it failed.

As a last try before looking to return to DJI I tried the following:

Using the included adapter for connection of a USB C cable to the port on the controller, I hooked up then started DJI A 2 and the controller.

DJI A 2 showed the controller had current firmware but I chose to refresh it. It updated successfully. I disconnected the controller (just noticed I left it running through the rest of this but don't know if that mattered) and made a USB connection to the aircraft. DJI A2 showed the updates for the aircraft and I chose 01.00.0200.

To my great delight the update went just fine. Only unusual thing I noticed was Windows 10 notification that there was an error on the external SD card in the aircraft every time the aircraft restarted during the update. Could it be an bum partition or other issue on the SD card was responsible for other problems?

At any case, both aircraft and controller are up to date. Looking forward to flying when the winds die down.

Hope this helps someone or lots of someones. Happy New Year 2019.
It sounds like what you are saying is that the updates failed when using the side port (MicroUSB) on the remote controller, but when you plugged into the full sized USB port on the bottom of the remote controller you were able to successfully perform the upgrades to firmware.
I also got mine for Christmas , it also has the 01.00.0050 firmware I didn't upgrade and it flies perfectly I'm old school " if it ain't broke don't fix it "
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It sounds like what you are saying is that the updates failed when using the side port (MicroUSB) on the remote controller, but when you plugged into the full sized USB port on the bottom of the remote controller you were able to successfully perform the upgrades to firmware.
No. I didn't have a USB A to USB A connector to make that work. I used an USB C to micro B adapter that came with the aircraft, adapter micro B into the controller side port, USB C to adapter C and USB A to computer.
I also got mine for Christmas , it also has the 01.00.0050 firmware I didn't upgrade and it flies perfectly I'm old school " if it ain't broke don't fix it "
Yah, I kinda wish my tech age adult kids had left well enough alone :) but we were even having trouble updating Geo Zone data base as well. All is well now tho.
When the .200 came out, I had problems getting assistant to connect to the controller. I used the Go app instead. Once I connected to and updated the AC, then Assistant recognized the controller.

Updates are funny that way. DJI makes a lot of unusual uses for USB, such as networking for downloading logs.
I don't buy his thinking that the main cause is AC-RC communication interfering with the device Wi-Fi.
1. There's lots of channels for both to use.
2. People aren't complaining about not being able to do any other internet functions on their device while connected to the AC.
3. Firmware is downloaded to the device from the internet, then uploaded to the AC. Failure tends to occur during the download, I believe even when not connected to the AC. The firmware is not instantaneously going from internet, through device and up to the AC.
4. Turning off Wi-Fi and using cellular data instead doesn't help. Cellular is on a completely different band so that won't collide with AC-RC communications.

I'll give him that bad cache from failed first attempt could impede further attempts so clearing cache could sometimes fix the issue.
What you write makes sense. I'll clear the cache and try it next time there's an update. I went straight to Assistant for the most recent one.
Personally I downloaded the "DJI assistant for Mavic pro" to my pc; connected the AC and updated in just 5 minutes ;-) , the RC update took about a minute less and all works like a charm now!
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