Oh good grief - this is getting ridiculous. You are not getting through because you don't understand the basics of this subject, and what you are posting is completely incorrect. You do realize, I assume, the fundamental navigational difference between your car and drone don't you? Your car only moves in the direction that it is facing, which removes the delta between heading and track - they have to be the same. That variable is no longer variable - it's zero by definition. Aircraft, especially slow aircraft, generally have different heading and track, and no way of detecting the difference without a compass of some kind. Additionally, with a car, there is no motion except that produced by the wheels turning - there is no equivalent of drift vs vehicle motion. That is the problem that flight control has to solve.
With that I'm done trying to explain this to you, since you have clearly convinced yourself that with your completely flawed analogy you have magically discovered what has eluded everyone else, including DJI, and you are studiously ignoring every explanation posted.