my very first drone came from a well known discount store in the UK it had nothing to help it fly ,was only suitable for indoor use had a 5 min battery life ,after several hours of trial and error i was able to keep it at a steady height and fly around my living room for the whole battery without crashing or landing i learnt a lot about stick input and what the drone did in response to those inputs.
i was bitten and had to move up the drone ladder to better and more expensive drones but i could just have easily gone in the other direction and have thought this is too much trouble to master and given up completely..
my point is this there are many many more very affordable drones on the market now, that have altitude hold and gps with a half decent camera on that can be flown to learn the basics, with the gps turned off if required ie atti mode, and newbies by using them are not going to be worried about losing an expensive drone, mavics are a big investment to many people including myself and are the bees knees of drones, perhaps that is the downside of them, even with all the tech that they have they still need a lot of practise to fly correctly, they are not superhuman and can crash just like any other drone.
i was bitten and had to move up the drone ladder to better and more expensive drones but i could just have easily gone in the other direction and have thought this is too much trouble to master and given up completely..
my point is this there are many many more very affordable drones on the market now, that have altitude hold and gps with a half decent camera on that can be flown to learn the basics, with the gps turned off if required ie atti mode, and newbies by using them are not going to be worried about losing an expensive drone, mavics are a big investment to many people including myself and are the bees knees of drones, perhaps that is the downside of them, even with all the tech that they have they still need a lot of practise to fly correctly, they are not superhuman and can crash just like any other drone.