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Fnding a Lost Mavic


Mar 8, 2017
Stupid !
I made a number of mistakes, but the outcome is that I have lost my Mavic (backed into a tree, and crashed into undergrowth, but not sure which tree !!!). Despite searching over two afternoons with a number of people, we could not find it (the first afternoon was really bad - communicating, and saying ready to take off, but of course could not with the undergrowth wrapped around it - as we drove off, I felt we were abandoning it bleeping away somewhere back there).
The question is whether there is a log of the GPS coordinates on the smartphone/controller, that I can download to try to find it with a hand-help GPS?
Stupid !
I made a number of mistakes, but the outcome is that I have lost my Mavic (backed into a tree, and crashed into undergrowth, but not sure which tree !!!). Despite searching over two afternoons with a number of people, we could not find it (the first afternoon was really bad - communicating, and saying ready to take off, but of course could not with the undergrowth wrapped around it - as we drove off, I felt we were abandoning it bleeping away somewhere back there).
The question is whether there is a log of the GPS coordinates on the smartphone/controller, that I can download to try to find it with a hand-help GPS?

Your flight log does contain the coordinates, and in the viewer, you can see the exact position on a map. I found my crashed unit by simply having the controller on, with the app on, and viewing the flight log in this manner. In this state, the controller's location showed on the map as a blue dot, and there was a "cone" coming out of the blue dot which indicated the orientation of the controller (facing toward center of cone). So I just used my controller in this way to walk to the last known location of the Mavic on the flight log, and was able to retrieve it this way.

Good luck.

NOTE: My Mavic was destroyed, and its battery was ejected. What I'm trying to explain is that I used the flight log in the DJI GO 4 app along with the controller as a means to simply walk to the device once I was close enough to the termination area of the flight. I hope that you can be as lucky.
Stupid !
I made a number of mistakes, but the outcome is that I have lost my Mavic (backed into a tree, and crashed into undergrowth, but not sure which tree !!!). Despite searching over two afternoons with a number of people, we could not find it (the first afternoon was really bad - communicating, and saying ready to take off, but of course could not with the undergrowth wrapped around it - as we drove off, I felt we were abandoning it bleeping away somewhere back there).
The question is whether there is a log of the GPS coordinates on the smartphone/controller, that I can download to try to find it with a hand-help GPS?

That's why I have a Loc8tor Lite on my Mavic... As long as you're within a few hundred feet of where the Mavic went down, the Loc8tor will be able to bring you directly to the Mavic.
The question is whether there is a log of the GPS coordinates on the smartphone/controller, that I can download to try to find it with a hand-help GPS?
You can find the last recorded coordinates in your TXT flight log if you upload it here. After uploading your flight log, download the CSV file to find the coordinates.
The only stupid part was that you did not read the manual.
If you had then you would have known that all you had to do was follow the moving blue dot on your phone back to the location of the Mavic. Luckily the last location is still in the phone, just follow msingers advice.
Your flight log does contain the coordinates, and in the viewer, you can see the exact position on a map. I found my crashed unit by simply having the controller on, with the app on, and viewing the flight log in this manner. In this state, the controller's location showed on the map as a blue dot, and there was a "cone" coming out of the blue dot which indicated the orientation of the controller (facing toward center of cone). So I just used my controller in this way to walk to the last known location of the Mavic on the flight log, and was able to retrieve it this way.

Good luck.

NOTE: My Mavic was destroyed, and its battery was ejected. What I'm trying to explain is that I used the flight log in the DJI GO 4 app along with the controller as a means to simply walk to the device once I was close enough to the termination area of the flight. I hope that you can be as lucky.
Thanks. Sorry your Mavic was destroyed. My problem is that I am now in another country, but I have someone living right next to the crash site who is a mapping expert, so just needs the coordinates.
The only stupid part was that you did not read the manual.
If you had then you would have known that all you had to do was follow the moving blue dot on your phone back to the location of the Mavic. Luckily the last location is still in the phone, just follow msingers advice.
Thanks, but I think there were more 'stupids' from me on that day!
That's why I have a Loc8tor Lite on my Mavic... As long as you're within a few hundred feet of where the Mavic went down, the Loc8tor will be able to bring you directly to the Mavic.
I was thinking of something like that for next time - thanks !
You can find the last recorded coordinates in your TXT flight log if you upload it here. After uploading your flight log, download the CSV file to find the coordinates.
Ah - bullseye !.. Thank you. That is exactly what I was hoping for. I will check that over the weekend, and if successful, e-mail the coordinates to the guy who said he can find for me. There has been some rain over there in the last couple of days, but hopefully it will be OK (and under the tree). Forever hopeful !
You can find the last recorded coordinates in your TXT flight log if you upload it here. After uploading your flight log, download the CSV file to find the coordinates.
Sorry for the dumb question - I just had a look, and there are quite a few logs on the phone (Samsung Galaxy 5) that imply they are flight logs. What is the folder I should be looking in for the log?
Thanks again for your help.
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Thanks again,
There must be some changes, as it wasn't there, but I found it in the end. Also went to the KVM file and it auto-loaded Google Earth - I was able to zoom righ in to see it's erractic crash path. I've e-mailed the details to the guy who offered to go looking for it, so fingers crossed.
By the way, the DJI online help person said what you advised me could not be done - guess they prefer to sell me a new one.
Again, thanks for your help!
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