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Folding Mavic with Low Noise Props - Observation

but have watched several of the comparison YouTube videos that prove that they are about 5 DB quieter than the original ones.

There isn't a single video with a properly controlled test that shows anything of the sort. Even the platinum mavic with its optimised ESCs are a max of 4db quieter for *some* phases of flight. 1-2db seems to be the going rate for people with properly calibrated meters who have made some attempt to remove other variables. And you wont hear 1-2db difference.
The only true test is one of your own opinion. Are they quieter when right in front of you? For me, no, but the freq spectrum has changed such that they are much more quieter or not, they sound 'better'. In my neighborhood, at 400 feet they are significantly quieter than the old props. I don't care about actual measurements. Spend the 20 bucks and try them for yourself. Only you can decide if they are worth it.

B H photo advertises "60% noise power reduction" right in this forum. Anyone else see this?


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There isn't a single video with a properly controlled test that shows anything of the sort. Even the platinum mavic with its optimised ESCs are a max of 4db quieter for *some* phases of flight. 1-2db seems to be the going rate for people with properly calibrated meters who have made some attempt to remove other variables. And you wont hear 1-2db difference.

I love how you seem to spend a great deal of time seeking out posts about these props just to badmouth them.

Have you personally tried the props? Did they insult your mother? Did they touch you inappropriately? Because it certainly seems like you’ve got a personal vendetta against them.
I tried that...makes it worse on mine Have you looked at the hind legs with respect to the body seam? Are they perfectly parallel? Can you post a side shot? Maybe my blades are different for some reason.


The hind legs are perfectly parallel and have no pressure from the props when they’re folded the way I showed in the photo.
John, I had the same "high wind warning" come on, too. It just might be caused be the new props. Mike
+1 on the high wind warnings. I defo wasnt seeing as many with the old props. Just took mine out on a completely calm day (ground level) and got non stop warnings! Prop feature do we think? They look and sound better though so I'll live with the warnings
I installed my new props last night. Three observations are: 1) new blades are slightly longer than originals, 2) the new blades are quieter and 3) motors turn less RPM. Also, when I stowed my Mavic in its case, it did fit a bit more snug.
I am pleased with the new props.

Yup, I just both 4 pairs and of course rushed to test them. I think they are great. Definitely the pitch sound is different, no so "Drilly". Hovering stability is improved and yes I can confirm that motor runs at least 50Rpm less when hovering compared to the normal props.
+1 on the high wind warnings. I defo wasnt seeing as many with the old props. Just took mine out on a completely calm day (ground level) and got non stop warnings! Prop feature do we think? They look and sound better though so I'll live with the warnings
Tried mine for the 1st time yesterday and I also got the high wind warning. But only after 100ft. Since I was between buildings I couldn't feel any wind so I've no way to confirm whether the unit at higher elevation was actually experiencing windy conditions.

I will try again today in an open field.
I would have tested my props on Wed but alas FedEx are idiots. They left California (I live in WA) and the day they're scheduled for delivery they show up in Chicago....WTF. Now they're scheduled for delivery on the 30th
Like you guys, I installed new props onto my old Mavic. The major difference is in the RPMs. You can see this when hovering:

Old: 5,500 RPM
New: 5,000 RPM

This is ~10% slower and I can definitely hear it in the buzzing.

There’s no pressure from the trailing edge of the props if you just fold them in slightly more, like this.
Look like one of those "Ancient Aliens" I keep seeing on TV. "Danger Will Robinson"
Have anyone tried combining low noise props and regular ones? I'm asking because I don't have a full set of either one, but I could use low noise back, and regular on the front. But I'm too chicken to try.
I love the sound of the low noise props...There was something about the tone of the regular props (drone props in general) that is almost irritating to me. These are not irritating in the least...
I noticed a small noise redution, if any, nothing major. I have noticed lower RPM's and high wind warnings since switching to the low noise props, but it has been a bit windy. I am waiting for better conditions to make any final decisions in that area. I have no issues getting the aircraft back in the fly more bag or with folding the arms.
Strange, I just got the MPP Monday. I have yet to see any high wind warnings....
I put my new low noise props on yesterday and I didn't really notice and issues of more interference in putting the Mavic back into the Fly More DJI bag. I haven't flown it yet, but have watched several of the comparison YouTube videos that prove that they are about 5 DB quieter than the original ones. I feel for the costs of $20, they are well worth the price. They look nicer too with the golf matching color to the arms and body.

I may have paid to much for the new props. I paid $28 for them in the dji box. I see the knock offs for $20. I just ordered some to see if there is a difference. Are you using the oem props?
I may have paid to much for the new props. I paid $28 for them in the dji box. I see the knock offs for $20. I just ordered some to see if there is a difference. Are you using the oem props?

I get mine for 10 bucks a pair (2 arms) from an Authorized DJI dealer. 20 bucks to outift the whole drone.

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