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For Americans, which method of contacting your politicians is most likely to draw their attention ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2022
1) Email, which I think could be redirected to the junk folder / automated answering service.
2} letter sent by post ?
3) what method of contact do you suggest.
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Send it by Priority Mail with signature required by recipient. So much junk e-mail so that's a waste.
Use the elected officials website to contact them. Most of them have a way of directly contacting the elected official and voice your concerns over particular legislation.
1) Email, which I think could be redirected to the junk folder / automated answering service.
2} letter sent by post ?
Vote them out of office.
I've asked a few elected officials and they say faxes are the most noticed.

Emails get a quick glance at best, to see pro or con on an issue.

Paper mail gets sent to a facility for testing for toxins, etc. before it's opened, with huge delays.

Phone calls are good, but be aware that there's some junior staff person on the phone and they're not recording much of what you say, mostly just a pro or con checkmark. If you really want to press a point, tell them what you want written down and then ask them to read it back to you.
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Email would be wasted unless you did some sort of mass email thing or broadcast on the media that you are sending it.
Call them.....Relentlessly. Call their assistants..... and their assistants, Pick a time and CALL at the same time each day.
If you can grab their attention with a subtle phrase that helps. I am a Veteran SO I might say something like I am a concerned Veteran instead of a concerned citizen Stuff like that helps
Many years ago when I lived in Texas The DPS in that state suspended my license for NO reason. 18 Months later and a bunch of calls and I received my license and an apology....From the head of the Dept. and a very apologetic letter and phone call from the Gov. Himself. Not to mention a very generous check for my troubles.
A LOT of patience and a phone can get you places you just got to find out who to pester the most......
Because I suspect email would be wasted as it will be too easy to junk.
Then that leaves you with the only other option you listed. So, I ask again, why ask? Furthermore, you're in the UK so why should it matter. I know what happens here in the states often bleeds over into other countries, but that is not the case, at least for now.
Then that leaves you with the only other option you listed. So, I ask again, why ask? Furthermore, you're in the UK so why should it matter. I know what happens here in the states often bleeds over into other countries, but that is not the case, at least for now.
Because I am curious as to
a) what method people will or have used
b) what other suggested methods appear, as per MS Coast's opening line in post 8.
I have edited post 1 to accomodate your curiosity.
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But would that stop the bill ?
No because it will be too late. Things get done in congress only on issues for which there is a champion. Drones are socially important, and we can point that out, but they have no congressional champion.
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1) Email, which I think could be redirected to the junk folder / automated answering service.
2} letter sent by post ?
or, to satisfy sarahb's curiosity,
3) what method of contact do you suggest.

A Clue-by-Four upside the head might start to get their attention. Might take more than once......
A lot of good suggestions here. In the end however, it depends mostly on how engaged the Rep wants to be with their constituents. As we've seen posted in the forum, some don't give a dam* and send a clueless irrelevant form letter back, while others answer specifically and meaningfully (even if it's likely a staffer).

So, no matter the method, if your Rep doesn't care about constituent input, you'll be wasting your time. And that seems like a lot of them.
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The best method is to visit in person, either at their DC office or in their home state office. The second best is actually one that few take, but if there is a lobbyist for your interest, contact them. They will often have direct contact with not only your representatives, but others as well, and thus your concerns are passed on to many as opposed to a few. After these two, then calls, letters and email, in that order. Email isn't ignored, especially if there are lots of it, but phone calls tie up people longer and thus get more recognition.

No matter what method you use, always be polite, respectful and direct. Verbosity is not a plus. Their time, as well as that of their staff is important, so conciseness is important. State your point and reasoning and offer to make yourself available if they have any questions and let it go at that. Rambling, lengthy diatribes are generally written off and ignored.
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