Hey Guys I am going to have my batteries charged up for the morning of THURSDAY JUNE 10 2021 and be in the air for the "RING OF FIRE SOLAR ECLIPSE" it's going to be AWESOME I think and I really hope that I can get a great video and pictures of it as it's happening I read that it will be at its peak at around 6:15am EST-U.S. so I know that here in my area we'll only be getting a partial one but I think it's going to be AWESOME none the less especially since I can get to see it airborne "HOPEFULLY" I'll be launching early just to make sure so I would like to invite you all to find out if you get to see it in your area and find out what time in the morning or midday for tomorrow and see if you can get some AWESOME video and pictures of the "RING OF FIRE SOLAR ECLIPSE" as well and if so post what you get here on the thread tell me what you think and I look forward to it. God Bless Us All Sincerely Clay B.