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Greetings from the UK, Air 2S owner / pilot


May 19, 2022
Hi all.

Relatively newbie to my Air 2S here. Background: I'm a UK fixed wing private pilot and have been flying aeroplanes nearly 20 years. Gadget freak too, run my own IT business and so it was inevitable at some point I'd get a drone combining aviation and gadgets 🙂

Took the plunge at the back end of 2021 and bought a DJI Air 2S. Undertook the mandatory CAA training before flying it, and for the first few months only flew in very open and remote areas. However the last month or so, as I've started to feel somewhere near confident, I'm pushing myself a bit more. Clearly all within there rules, but more interesting sights, combined wiht a bit of photography etc.

Two things I'd welcome opinions on:
1) insurance. Now I'm starting to push myself a wee bit more, I'd like to insure it both for my own benefit and any third parties. Any recommendations / steer clears etc welcome.
2) I'd like to undertake some more advanced training. A2 CofC seems to make most sense but I'm wondering about doing the GVC too. Is that overkill for essentially a hobbyist? At SOME POINT in the future I might think about doing some paid work. I'm in Kent - recommendations in this area welcome.

Many thanks in advance.
Hi all.

Relatively newbie to my Air 2S here. Background: I'm a UK fixed wing private pilot and have been flying aeroplanes nearly 20 years. Gadget freak too, run my own IT business and so it was inevitable at some point I'd get a drone combining aviation and gadgets 🙂

Took the plunge at the back end of 2021 and bought a DJI Air 2S. Undertook the mandatory CAA training before flying it, and for the first few months only flew in very open and remote areas. However the last month or so, as I've started to feel somewhere near confident, I'm pushing myself a bit more. Clearly all within there rules, but more interesting sights, combined wiht a bit of photography etc.

Two things I'd welcome opinions on:
1) insurance. Now I'm starting to push myself a wee bit more, I'd like to insure it both for my own benefit and any third parties. Any recommendations / steer clears etc welcome.
2) I'd like to undertake some more advanced training. A2 CofC seems to make most sense but I'm wondering about doing the GVC too. Is that overkill for essentially a hobbyist? At SOME POINT in the future I might think about doing some paid work. I'm in Kent - recommendations in this area welcome.

Many thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum from the mountains of Colorado! Happy and safe flying!
Hi all.

Relatively newbie to my Air 2S here. Background: I'm a UK fixed wing private pilot and have been flying aeroplanes nearly 20 years. Gadget freak too, run my own IT business and so it was inevitable at some point I'd get a drone combining aviation and gadgets 🙂

Took the plunge at the back end of 2021 and bought a DJI Air 2S. Undertook the mandatory CAA training before flying it, and for the first few months only flew in very open and remote areas. However the last month or so, as I've started to feel somewhere near confident, I'm pushing myself a bit more. Clearly all within there rules, but more interesting sights, combined wiht a bit of photography etc.

Two things I'd welcome opinions on:
1) insurance. Now I'm starting to push myself a wee bit more, I'd like to insure it both for my own benefit and any third parties. Any recommendations / steer clears etc welcome.
2) I'd like to undertake some more advanced training. A2 CofC seems to make most sense but I'm wondering about doing the GVC too. Is that overkill for essentially a hobbyist? At SOME POINT in the future I might think about doing some paid work. I'm in Kent - recommendations in this area welcome.

Many thanks in advance.
First off, welcome to the forum. There are two types of insurance, one for the aircraft (i.e. DJI Refresh) and one for liability. If you plan on flying for money, now or in the future, I would highly recommend Liability insurance.

As for the physical drone insurance, its a mixed bag. The biggest issue I have, is that if you crash your drone, you have to be able to recover it to get compensation. If it gets stuck high in a tree or takes a swim, this could be impossible.

As far as training goes, There is a ton of content for free on Youtube. I would suggest you start there first.

Happy Flying!
Thanks for the welcome!

As I said, I've got DJI Refresh, so it's primarily third party I'm interested in recommendations for. However I imagine most will include drone cover as part of the third party package.

Interesting point about needing to recovered the thing to make a claim...hadn't really thought of that!

I think I've consumed about 1000000 hours of YT footage on the things since I got it :)
Ha! I did actually buy a second drone this week...but it cost less than 1% of the Air 2S 🤣

My 7 year old nephew was given one of these for his birthday, and I was impressed at it so got one too. Mainly as a toy, but also I genuinely found it "useful" being able to practice manoeuvring in small areas (can anyone ever spell that word without a spell checker) on something totally crashable that has the same control layout. Plus it's great fun for annoying my wife!


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@tkf a good way to get third party cover is to join one of the associations like FPV UK or the BMFA both of these offer third party cover as part of their membership i am with FPV UK the BMFA is more expensive, but includes a magazine sent straight to your address at regular intervals,if you were to consider doing your GVC, then any commercial flying for renumeration ,would entail a special type of insurance ,all that would be explained during the course
UAV HUB and some other training providers ,often do a joint A2 C of C +GVC combined course at a reduced cost of the separate packages
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . Thumbswayup
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :)Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
Welcome to the forum! :)
Hello from Minnesota USA and welcome to the Forum....congratulations on your DJI Air 2s....There's a lot of good quality teaching/feedback going on in here. Just ask, and the experts are great on providing good sound advice for you to apply and use... Remember to always Fly safe and Fly Smart, always in VLOS to reach that level of safety also control.
Hi all.

Relatively newbie to my Air 2S here. Background: I'm a UK fixed wing private pilot and have been flying aeroplanes nearly 20 years. Gadget freak too, run my own IT business and so it was inevitable at some point I'd get a drone combining aviation and gadgets 🙂

Took the plunge at the back end of 2021 and bought a DJI Air 2S. Undertook the mandatory CAA training before flying it, and for the first few months only flew in very open and remote areas. However the last month or so, as I've started to feel somewhere near confident, I'm pushing myself a bit more. Clearly all within there rules, but more interesting sights, combined wiht a bit of photography etc.

Two things I'd welcome opinions on:
1) insurance. Now I'm starting to push myself a wee bit more, I'd like to insure it both for my own benefit and any third parties. Any recommendations / steer clears etc welcome.
2) I'd like to undertake some more advanced training. A2 CofC seems to make most sense but I'm wondering about doing the GVC too. Is that overkill for essentially a hobbyist? At SOME POINT in the future I might think about doing some paid work. I'm in Kent - recommendations in this area welcome.

Many thanks in advance.
Hi Tkf, greetings from Len in South Wales, hope you enjoy the forum. I joined the BMFA and have their free PL Insurance, strictly hobby fliers only, but you will need commercial insurance for any paid work.
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