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Height limit problem


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2018
North East England
Flew my Mavic Air on Wansfell Pike yesterday flew up to the limit of 400 ft from the fell top at 482 metres .Flew it today on Loughrigg fell only 335 metres but said my maximum height had been reached at 80 metres wonder if it is due to RAF low flying through the valleys .Anyone else had this problem
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could well be a geofenced height restriction
Can you proofread and correct your post? I doubt your drone fell at all. Even if one changes "flew" for "fell", you have conflicting statements in your sentences.
Take your last sentence. You say you <flew> over 300m, but it limited you to 80m?
Very confusing.
Can you proofread and correct your post? I doubt your drone fell at all. Even if one changes "flew" for "fell", you have conflicting statements in your sentences.
Take your last sentence. You say you <flew> over 300m, but it limited you to 80m?
Very confusing.
i agree the flew and fell was a bit confusing i took it to mean he flew 335 m away but his height was restricted to 80 m on the second Fell as in Fell land could be wrong though
Looking at that area on NATS Drone Assist - the ground and airspace are completely unmarked (nearest at the moment is a Hang Gliding caution over Keswick).
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Can you proofread and correct your post? I doubt your drone fell at all. Even if one changes "flew" for "fell", you have conflicting statements in your sentences.
Take your last sentence. You say you <flew> over 300m, but it limited you to 80m?
Very confusing.
Tis' a bit confusing, but the 482 and 335 metre references are the height ASL of the peaks that the OP was launching his drone from. In other words, he was able to ascend to +120 metres [max allowed by CAA law] over the first 482m peak (Wansfell Pike), but was only able to ascend +80 metres after taking off from the 335m peak of Loughrigg Fell ... Unless there was a temp restriction that was removed today (pre 17:45 on 19th November), I've seen no Notams or restrictions in NATS app's.
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this is the number to call the RAF safety centre on to let them know that you will be flying at a particular location ,and ask them if there are any low flying exercises in the 400 ft airspace where you intend to fly, its the low flying booking cell on freephone 0800 515544
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Wouldn't be a grey zone on the map, would it? That would be an altitude restriction zone in DJI geofencing.
Wouldn't be a grey zone on the map, would it? That would be an altitude restriction zone in DJI geofencing.
Which Map Dan? Do you mean the Go4 map??
The NATS Drone Assist map is clean-as ... with no restrictions at that location. Usually, if you have a restriction in place, it will be a red or amber area in NATS DA ...
so why not say hills so we can all understand.
"Loughrigg Fell" is the name of the Topographical feature ... calling it 'Loughrigg Hill' would be like saying 'the Washington Spike' ... :)

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Which Map Dan? Do you mean the Go4 map??
The NATS Drone Assist map is clean-as ... with no restrictions at that location. Usually, if you have a restriction in place, it will be a red or amber area in NATS DA ...
Go map which includes the geofence zones.
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