I see you are from Lanzarote, how easy is it to fly (legally) in your country ? From what I have seen on Enaire drones, many areas are forbidden even for recreational flights. Can you confirm ?
Hi Frederic,
I´m sorry for being late with my reply… I´ve been out of the island for a short time during my vacations...
It´s really easy to fly legally in Spain. Of course, like most places in European Community there are restrictions but I guess no more than in other countries.
Here in the Canary Is., the situation is almost similar, but being a small territory with a lot of special places like National Parks, National Reserves or Regional Monuments, the restrictions could be a problem...
However, the situation is not that critical as you may think… A lot of people (drone pilots) visit us in Lanzarote every year, flying their drones without having trouble with law.
The only places really not allowed to fly drones are the airport surroundings and Timanfaya National Park.
Timanfaya is an incredible place plagued with vulcanos, in the middle of an incredible landscape. It is a shame, but we must understand.
You can see many videos at youtube. Just type Lanzarote and you will find some of them.
I hope my few lines have answered your questions.
Please, excuse me for my English!
Best regards.
Vicente. (cryox24)