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Hello. I came here for research and possibly help others if I can

Thanks again for the warm welcomes. Yes, I tried everything except contacting DJI. I have a feeling that is what I need to do.

I have 423 flights so getting the Airdata UAV paid account that will handle over 400 flights is not economical for me. I just need this data for my own info like the odometer on a car. I don't even care where the flights are. I just need time, distance and date.

When I was forcibly logged out, tapping on the screen revealed nothing. The controller looked as if no one had ever used it. And the funny thing is now that I am logged in with a different username I had to make, there is no way to log out! Nowhere is an option to log out! I don't understand it. Maybe I'm an idiot?

Another thing is that this is Android and DJI modified it so that you can't (to my knowledge) use a Google account on the controller that will help in this situation. The fact that DJI allows me to create another username and fly the drone without the 100 feet distance restrictions tells me that they most likely already know that this drone, controller or both have been used with a different account already. If this is not true then why do I need to be connected to the net when logging in.

I think a DJI support contact is inevitable.
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Thanks again for the warm welcomes. Yes, I tried everything except contacting DJI. I have a feeling that is what I need to do. I have 423 flights so getting the Airdata UAV paid account that will handle over 400 flights is not economical for me. I just need this data for my own info like the odometer on a car. I don't even care where the flights are. I just need time, distance and date. When I was forcibly logged out, tapping on the screen revealed nothing. The controller looked as if no one had ever used it. And the funny thing is now that I am logged in with a different username I had to make, there is no way to log out! Nowhere is an option to log out! I don't understand it. Maybe I'm an idiot? Another thing is that this is Android and DJI modified it so that you can't (to my knowledge) use a Google account on the controller that will help in this situation. The fact that DJI allows me to create another username and fly the drone without the 100 feet distance restrictions tells me that they most likely already know that this drone, controller or both have been used with a different account already. If this is not true then why do I need to be connected to the net when logging in. I think a DJI support contact is inevitable.
you are overthinking it.
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Greetings Paul: Welcome to the forum from Chicago the Windy City.
I remember using the Grey Card for every picture I was taking a picture of to get true colors.
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Thanks again for the warm welcomes. Yes, I tried everything except contacting DJI. I have a feeling that is what I need to do. I have 423 flights so getting the Airdata UAV paid account that will handle over 400 ,........
Please edit your posts and use paragraphs, the long continuous strings of text that you are writing are difficult to read and off putting.

Have a look at
It might be more affordable, I haven't checked airdata's pricing, BUT FIRST confirm with @msinger whether or not it will create the reports you want. I don't use it for that as I have my own program. I just use it to get the CSVs.

Alternatively do you have a computer that runs Linux and the language "gawk"?
I have a program that produces a CSV that could give you such a report but I'd need to play with it a bit before emailing you a copy.
If you want only the things that you have mentioned I could dump a load of the code as it is intended to look at 50? or so columns in the phantomhelp/FlightReader CSVs .
It's probably not good or efficient programming, I am not a programmer, but it does what I want.

The drawback is IT NEEDS the above CSVs.

That said if you want just date, time and distance and the airdata CSVs contain that information I could adapt it to use airdata CSVs.
By distance do you mean Max distance from the home point or the total distance flown ?
By time, do you mean flight duration or the start time ?

BTW you could upload 100 logs to airdata, download their CSVs, delete those logs and then upload another 100 etc.etc.
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Welcome to a great community, from Iowa!

I hope you are able to resolve that dilemma. If you do, please let us know which of the proposed solutions, or perhaps something else, solve the problem for you.
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Please edit your posts and use paragraphs, the long continuous strings of text that you are writing are difficult to read and off putting.

Have a look at
It might be more affordable, I haven't checked airdata's pricing, BUT FIRST confirm with @msinger whether or not it will create the reports you want. I don't use it for that as I have my own program. I just use it to get the CSVs.

Alternatively do you have a computer that runs Linux and the language "gawk"?
I have a program that produces a CSV that could give you such a report but I'd need to play with it a bit before emailing you a copy.
If you want only the things that you have mentioned I could dump a load of the code as it is intended to look at 50? or so columns in the phantomhelp/FlightReader CSVs .
It's probably not good or efficient programming, I am not a programmer, but it does what I want.

The drawback is IT NEEDS the above CSVs.

That said if you want just date, time and distance and the airdata CSVs contain that information I could adapt it to use airdata CSVs.
By distance do you mean Max distance from the home point or the total distance flown ?
By time, do you mean flight duration or the start time ?

BTW you could upload 100 logs to airdata, download their CSVs, delete those logs and then upload another 100 etc.etc.
Just edited my last post and spaced out the few sub topics. Thanks.

I have a Ubuntu and Puppy Linux on my other bootable drives on my main machine. I use those once in a while and when Windows gives me crap. But I am not a Linux pro and don't know what this gawk language is. This Linux program you are talking about is able to view my logs from the other account that I no longer can access?

I do have almost the entire internal storage duplicated until the beginning of May which includes the TXT and DAT files.

I looked at the Flight Reader app and I don't mind paying one time of $80 if it can read my logs without asking for username and password.

Thanks again to all for the welcomes. I already see this is a better forum than DJI.
You would need to install gawk if it isn't included in your OS.
However I use Mint Linux and recollect it its based on Ubuntu and i think it included Gawk so you may already have it.
You wouldn't need to know how to write gawk code to use the program.

Basically you type the program name on the command line of a terminal window and press return and it goes to work.

The pre-use set up would require you to do the following ( it is a long time since I set this up and I am going from memory and it is probably worded badly. )

1) copy the program/file into either the directory where your system stores its executable files or create a directory for the purpose, I did the latter.
My path to the created directory is Home/user-name/com.
If you create such a directory you will have to add the path to it to what I recollect is called your "PATH variable", then change the permissions of the program's file to make an executable. I use the command "chmod +x file-name".

Google any of that that you don't understand, it sounds complicated but it isn't really.

2) copy the CSVs to be processed to a specific folder/directory that stores ONLY
a) those CSVs and
b) a subfolder/directory that is called "output".
I will need to know the Linux path to the storage folder/directory as that path is used explicitly in the program.

When the program is started it looks in that storage directory for CSVs and processes each CSV in turn. When it has finished processing one CSV it outputs a summary of that CSV as a single line in a CSV in the directory "output". The CSVs in output have a date and time stamp in their name so each run of the program creates a new CSV.
The program will process, or attempt to process, ANY CSV in the storage directory, it does not matter which login recorded the original logs, thus it can process the CSVs of crash etc. logs posted on here. BUT NOTE inappropriate CSVs can screw up the layout of the output CSV which is why I stressed that the storage directory should contains only the CSVs, created from the flight logs, and the output directory.

At the moment it is set up to process CSVs from phantomhelp, FlightReader and TXTlogToCSVtool,
[TOOL][WIN] Offline TXT FlightRecord to CSV Converter
the latter is not applicable to post Fly App drones since the advent of the minin 2.

If you are going to use Airdata CSVs then I will have to play with the program. It uses CSV column titles to locate the relevant data and Airdata CSV column titles differ from those in the above CSV.

Can you answer the following questions from post 24

By distance do you mean Max distance from the home point or the total distance flown or both ?
By time, do you mean flight duration or the start time or both ?

you have a pm
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There is absolutely no need to completely clear the username and password when the 90 day timeout happens
I have been flying my DJI Drone for about 3-years now and there have been ocassions when I went 4-months or more without turning on my drone...

So, I do not understand your reference to a "90-day timeout..." I have been logged off on a couple of ocasseions, but they were in conjunction with a some firmware upgrade, not specifically a time period...

If your premise of DJI logging off every drone after a 90-days time out, then there would be no "Locked Out" drones if they are simple left off for the 90-days period... Then no matter if the previous owner un-bounded the drone a drone or not, DJI would do that for them...

See what I mean?
You would need to install gawk if it isn't included in your OS.
However I use Mint Linux and recollect it its based on Ubuntu and i think it included Gawk so you may already have it.
You wouldn't need to know how to write gawk code to use the program.

Basically you type the program name on the command line of a terminal window and press return and it goes to work.

The pre-use set up would require you to do the following ( it is a long time since I set this up and I am going from memory and it is probably worded badly. )

1) copy the program/file into either the directory where your system stores its executable files or create a directory for the purpose, I did the latter.
My path to the created directory is Home/user-name/com.
If you create such a directory you will have to add the path to it to what I recollect is called your "PATH variable", then change the permissions of the program's file to make an executable. I use the command "chmod +x file-name".

Google any of that that you don't understand, it sounds complicated but it isn't really.

2) copy the CSVs to be processed to a specific folder/directory that stores ONLY
a) those CSVs and
b) a subfolder/directory that is called "output".
I will need to know the Linux path to the storage folder/directory as that path is used explicitly in the program.

When the program is started it looks in that storage directory for CSVs and processes each CSV in turn. When it has finished processing one CSV it outputs a summary of that CSV as a single line in a CSV in the directory "output". The CSVs in output have a date and time stamp in their name so each run of the program creates a new CSV.
The program will process, or attempt to process, ANY CSV in the storage directory, it does not matter which login recorded the original logs, thus it can process the CSVs of crash etc. logs posted on here. BUT NOTE inappropriate CSVs can screw up the layout of the output CSV which is why I stressed that the storage directory should contains only the CSVs, created from the flight logs, and the output directory.

At the moment it is set up to process CSVs from phantomhelp, FlightReader and TXTlogToCSVtool,
[TOOL][WIN] Offline TXT FlightRecord to CSV Converter
the latter is not applicable to post Fly App drones since the advent of the minin 2.

If you are going to use Airdata CSVs then I will have to play with the program. It uses CSV column titles to locate the relevant data and Airdata CSV column titles differ from those in the above CSV.

Can you answer the following questions from post 24

By distance do you mean Max distance from the home point or the total distance flown or both ?
By time, do you mean flight duration or the start time or both ?

you have a pm
I most likely can try this Linux program but my drone (mini 3 pro) outputted gibberish txt and dat files. Maybe they are different than your drone? The dat files seem to be the main log files since I did all the updates in January. It looks like the dat files are created now. As far as post 24 questions. I am interested in total flight distance of each flight and if possible the furthest distance flown from home as during my trip last year I flew the drone 17000 feet in the desert to test range. And as to time just basically time the drone was flown like real pilots track their hours. Nothing special with that.
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I have been flying my DJI Drone for about 3-years now and there have been ocassions when I went 4-months or more without turning on my drone...

So, I do not understand your reference to a "90-day timeout..." I have been logged off on a couple of ocasseions, but they were in conjunction with a some firmware upgrade, not specifically a time period...

If your premise of DJI logging off every drone after a 90-days time out, then there would be no "Locked Out" drones if they are simple left off for the 90-days period... Then no matter if the previous owner un-bounded the drone a drone or not, DJI would do that for them...

See what I mean?
I have read on DJI forum that a recent update did this and last time I updated was in January so now I have this "feature". The messed up thing is that I updated both the original controller and the RC Pro in January so I wouldn't have any problems transferring the logs between different software versions. I don't know if that helped or not with the actual transfer but now I know I should have not done the updates as I would not have this log out problem. The original controller never begged me to connect to the net before the update but that changed in January with RC Pro.
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but my drone (mini 3 pro) outputted gibberish txt and dat files.
All DJI drone logs present gibberish when the raw log is viewed as text file.
They have to be processed by something into a CSV etc. before they are human readable, hence the likes of ph's logviewer etc.
Likewise all .DATs but the early mini 3 pro DATs could be processed by CsvView.

If you look at early mini 3 pro crash etc. threads in here you will find in some of them CsvView charts showing motor rpms etc. those charts were produced from those DATs.
Unfortunately from memory i think DJI have since encrypted them and CsvView can no longer process new mini 3 pro DATs.

Have a look at
readable log data
and especially
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I have read on DJI forum that a recent update did this and last time I updated was in January so now I have this "feature". The messed up thing is that I updated both the original controller and the RC Pro in January so I wouldn't have any problems transferring the logs between different software versions. I don't know if that helped or not with the actual transfer but now I know I should have not done the updates as I would not have this log out problem. The original controller never begged me to connect to the net before the update but that changed in January with RC Pro.
I can offer no explanation as to why you user name has disappeared but the automated log out has long been a cursed-about feature of the fly app. Normally the user name remains and only the password needs to be entered. Been there done that.
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I have read on DJI forum
So, You used differebt credenitials to log onto the forum than you did with the Drone Account?

I have been a computer programmer since the '70s and I have many, many email addresses... But when it comes to like interests, my Knifemaking web sites, my Blacksmithing, my motorcycle/car web sites, etc... I use the same email address and in the membership web sitre (non monitary...), I use the same email and password for all. it keeps things simple and I also keep a log. If the web site is non-monitized (they do not have my credit card number...) I use Google Password manager... For my amazon, ebay, etc... account, my passeord is not stored on Google...
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So, You used differebt credenitials to log onto the forum than you did with the Drone Account?

I have been a computer programmer since the '70s and I have many, many email addresses... But when it comes to like interests, my Knifemaking web sites, my Blacksmithing, my motorcycle/car web sites, etc... I use the same email address and in the membership web sitre (non monitary...), I use the same email and password for all. it keeps things simple and I also keep a log. If the web site is non-monitized (they do not have my credit card number...) I use Google Password manager... For my amazon, ebay, etc... account, my passeord is not stored on Google...
You may want to reconsider your strategy of using the same password for every login. At the very least, enable two-factor authentication on the accounts that allow it. The more of your accounts a bad actor can access, the more information they can collect about you. That makes the accounts with financial information a bigger target for social engineering attacks. If you want to see the number of sites that were hacked that have your email, check out the site Have I Been Pwned: Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach (it's legit)
two-factor authentication
I agree and up to a point, I do this. The my bank account, my Amazon account, the eBay account, QVC, HSN, and other monitories accounts (ones that have my credit card info) all have different "two-factor authentication". I do not use the same email address for any of these. I have a "boat load' of Gmail accounts (besides, each Gmail account also gives me 15 GB of free storage offline).

You advice is well worth taking!
2FA is worthless, I use security keys as often as I can. Like these: Yubico Home
2FA can be easily compromised if you use SMS. If you use an authentication token generated with an authenticator app, it's a lot more secure. Yubico is pretty cool.

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