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Hi from London

Mr Bowcat

Aug 30, 2024
London, UK
Hi All,

Bob from London here. I'm a complete newbie at drones, so just bought myself a little Mini 2 SE to get started.

Unfortunately I've immediately run into some issues in that I live right on the outskirts of the RAF Northolt restricted flight zone, so can't even take off in my own back garden. On top of that I found out that the London Borough of Hillingdon (where I live) has a complete ban on the use of drones in public parks and spaces. Looks like I will have to travel a little further afield for my first flight.
Hello from the Crossroads of America Mr Bowcat.

Nice to meet you Bob. 🤝

Welcome to the Forum. :cool:

Hey Bob

Welcome on in, and indeed to the constant battle to find places to fly...

That is most unfortunate placement in terms of FRZs and local council hostility. That whole area is notably empty of suggested fly sites in Dronescene until you get quite a way out of it alas. So I guess in your position I would be best planning a lot of day trips down South !
Bob from London here. I'm a complete newbie at drones, so just bought myself a little Mini 2 SE to get started.

Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. We have a Member's Map in the Upper Right of the Title Bar. Click on "Members" and then Click on "Member's Map…" Check it out and you might find some new flying friends.

Since you live in UK, there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check to ensure these are current.

Even if you have flown Drones before, here is some Good Old Fashion Advice…

You paid a lot of money for that Drone, put your phone number on it. If your drone gets lost or stuck in a tree and it finally comes down when you are not around, give the finders an opportunity to contact you so it can be returned.

Now, for the Fun Part, But do not let the excitement of the moment get the best of you. When you are going out to fly, do it slowly and deliberately. Get used to a set procedure and even practice it.

There are so many things I could write but these are the highlights that I feel need mentioning.

Plug in your phone/tablet into your controller; turn on the Controller and DJI Fly App (if it does not start on its own…). On the Drone, open the front legs, then open the back legs, and then remove the Gimbal Cover.

The Gimbal is the most delicate item on the Drone and banging or bumping can damage it. I also fastened a short "Remove Before Flight" ribbon to the cover so it's more noticeable and I do not forget to remove it…

Turn on the drone and watch it come to "life." Watching the Gimbal go through its self-check is almost like watching a puppy or kitten opening its eyes for the first time…

Place the drone down (preferably on a Landing Pad) while it finishes its self-test (collecting satellites, etc…).

Check your battery status (Phone, Drone, and Controller), check the Signal Strength, by now the Controller should have reported it updated the Home Point.

Lift off, 6 feet (2-meters) or so, hover a bit, check the controls (move the drone a bit forward, back, left, right, yaw left and right). By now, your Controller will probably report again, "Home point Updated."

If you go out in a rush and race thru your start up and take off before the drone has finished it prep, it may update its Home Point over that pond or that old tree you are flying over and in your excitement, you'll fly the drone long past it Low Battery point and when it engages Return to Home and lands in the pond or in a tree; it will be all on you…

Now go have fun, learn to fly the drone by sight before you try to fly it out a distance depending on the video feed, FPV.

I would also advise you to use YouTube and watch a lot of the Videos on flying and setting up the Drone. When it is too dark, too cold, or too wet, you can "fly it vicariously" through YouTube. Also watch some of the Blooper Drone Videos and learn how not to fly your "New Baby."

Below is the link to all of the downloads offered by DJI for the Mini 2 SE, including the User Manual.

After you read the Manual, read it again, you will be surprised what you missed the first time and you will be better prepared for that first "scary moment…"

Fly On and Fly Safe…
Unfortunately I've immediately run into some issues in that I live right on the outskirts of the RAF Northolt restricted flight zone, so can't even take off in my own back garden.
Just a quick note, I am in the US and I live near an Air Force Base and I also could not even fly in my own yard. Here in the US, once you get your Part 107 Certification (lots of studying and pay for an Exam and pass) you can qualify to get what I would call a commercial license and with that I am able to get authorizations to fly in these Zero Altitude Quadrants. I do not know the rules and laws in the UK but you might want to look into that…

In my previous post, I included a link the Rules and Laws governing the flying for Drones in the UK…

Below is a map of my area, the Blue areas are restricted military flight areas, the Green is a controlled International Airport, and the Red are National Parks (no flying at all…). And I am the little Pin in the center… Oh, and by the way, the county that I live in also prohibits flying drones from any of its property (schools, parks, public areas, etc…).

Home Map with Warnings.jpg
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

I did my due diligence before buying the drone, so have watched hundreds of YouTube vids, read the manual a few times, and obtained my Flyer & Operator ID's.

I can apply for permission to RAF Northolt, however if granted this is only for a specific time slot on a specific date. I guess it's for commercial purposes, but wouldn't let me fly in my garden whenever I want.

I have sisters in both Southampton and Somerset, so looks like I will be seeing both of them more often, not a bad thing anyway. :)

I also work in Hemel Hempstead which appears to have a more relaxed approach to flying, and is not near any RFZ's so will be spending some (dry) lunch breaks at the local cricket pitch or park.
if granted this is only for a specific time slot on a specific date.
I would recommend you try this and apply. It might be more generous than you think, you might be able to get a whole day, a whole week, etc... and it might even be renewable, As I wrote previously, Ihave numerous FAA Authorizations, each is for specific time slots, (Sunrise to noon, Noon to 4 PM. and 4 PM to sunset -- Yup that's all day, I did not apply to fly at night...) and each is valid for a specific date(s), all year and they are renewable with a simple click of the mouse...

As the expression goes, ""Try it, You'll like it..."

Good Luck
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Welcome from the west Midlands.

NFZ's and other flight restricted areas are definitely spreading over the UK and local councils are getting to be a PITA but at least it gives a reason to broaden our horizons.

Don't be put off by the 'apply for permission' situation, a lot of ATM (Air Traffic Management) concerns are a lot more approachable than you might imagine, especially the military ones. It does help if you have a reason to want to fly in a particular location, to shoot a particular location or feature for example.

When you've jumped through the hoops once or twice, it gets familiar and you'll find the process a lot easier, ATM providers share information and if you have a good track record as a responsible operator: this will follow you around and grease the wheels in other areas.
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