Hi folks,
I've been flying the Tello (gateway drone ), and just pulled the trigger on a Mavic Air yesterday. Been busy activating,updating the firmware, reading the manuals etc. Anxious for the maiden flight, but it's hot as blazes here today and tomorrow. I guess if it's too hot to mow the lawn (yes dear...), it's too hot to fly my new drone... Anyway, just thought I'd pop in to say hello. I'm 63, from the Twin Cities area. Cheers!
I've been flying the Tello (gateway drone ), and just pulled the trigger on a Mavic Air yesterday. Been busy activating,updating the firmware, reading the manuals etc. Anxious for the maiden flight, but it's hot as blazes here today and tomorrow. I guess if it's too hot to mow the lawn (yes dear...), it's too hot to fly my new drone... Anyway, just thought I'd pop in to say hello. I'm 63, from the Twin Cities area. Cheers!