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High Data Usage on iPhone?


New Member
Jan 5, 2018
Got my iPhone bill and went way over my data allowance. I'm assuming that this is a result of me connecting my iPhone to the controller. If this is the case is there a way to stop data usage without running into problems flying the drone? I'm assuming the GPS is streaming data through my phone or something like it as my bill showed 1.9 Gig in the Time and Location menu.
is there a way to stop data usage without running into problems flying the drone?
Enable airplane mode on your iPhone before starting DJI GO.
I would highly doubt that the DJI Go 4 app used 1.9 GB of data.

But you also can disable cellular data for the DJI Go 4 app if you want to in the Settings app.
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Does the app even use any data, I fly with a cellular ipad mini4 and no data plan,it works fine including follow modes and dynamic home point.
I sync my records when I get home and the ipad connects to wifi.
I would think the only data the app would use would be for the maps themselves. And the iPhone will cache them so I would think that it would be very minimal."GPS" doesn't use data.
Got my iPhone bill and went way over my data allowance. I'm assuming that this is a result of me connecting my iPhone to the controller. If this is the case is there a way to stop data usage without running into problems flying the drone? I'm assuming the GPS is streaming data through my phone or something like it as my bill showed 1.9 Gig in the Time and Location menu.
check you phone see what apps are running. Flying will not use data.
I would highly doubt that the DJI Go 4 app used 1.9 GB of data.

But you also can disable cellular data for the DJI Go 4 app if you want to in the Settings app.

DJI Go can use a lot of data if you are syncing your flight logs and using the DJI cloud storage for videos.
You can see what apps have used data in your phone's settings. It's unlikely that amount was used by DJI GO4.
Does the app even use any data, I fly with a cellular ipad mini4 and no data plan,it works fine including follow modes and dynamic home point
It doesn't need to use data. But, if data is available, it'll do things like download the maps in real-time as you're flying.
It doesn't need to use data. But, if data is available, it'll do things like download the maps in real-time as you're flying.
Yes, thanks, I cache the maps before flying, but you are correct.
You can disable cellular data for the app and also see how much it has used in iPhone.
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