This has more facets to it than a diamond.
First to answer the question directly. There are a lot of drone YouTuber who *do* fly BVLOS when they shouldn't according to the law. For my money that's between them and the regulatory body as long as they are not posing a safety risk. If I see someone who IS doing something that is a safety risk I don't report them, I walk right over and take it up with them on the spot.
One thing to keep in mind when watching those YouTube videos is the appearance often does not reflect the reality. I wouldn't by any means call myself a "well known" YouTuber. I have a tiny channel in comparison but I appear on most of the YouTube Drone based live streams from time to time often on the panel and know most of the big names personally and least passingly and they me. I can tell you that most of them are like myself in that when they post a video they are doing it for entertainment purposes and we edit it as such, for maximum entertainment value not for reality.
You could look at many of my videos and be sure I was flying BVLOS and I've edited it to give that "Wide out in the expanse" look. You see that drone eye view of that boat on the vista of the endless sea, you don't see the shore 300m behind the drone because I edit it out. You see that endless vista of mountains behind the shoreline obviously from a few miles out to sea, you don't get to see me heaving over the side of the pitching boat I flew from as that would ruin the magic.
I recently did a couple of videos on the Great barrier reef at Lady Musgrave Island which is 51 nautical miles out to sea. I don't have a battery that big

. What I had was permissions in advance from three marine park authorities and incredible co operation from a tour company allowing me to go out there with my wife and the tourists for a day trip and then fly from their 35m Cat, the island, a tender and the glass bottom boat. Editing however it looks like I am flying miles away from anyone.
A lot of my "vista" shots where my drone seems to travel for miles is done by setting up the drone in a remote place and leaving a ground crew with it, trekking 400m over land, hiding in the landscape somewhere then contacting the ground crew by 2 way radio to be sure no one has wandered into harms way and then taking off flying overhead and landing 400m further on. Wash, lather repeat. The only hint of this is the transitions in the video where I stitch the parts together. At worst the ground crew/spotter sees the drone until it clears the tree line then I have line of sight for the rest of the flight, I have over $5k invested in my certification and training, I'm not risking that. So yeah, it's not always like it seems on the screen.
That said, I'm far more focused on safety than the letter of the law. If you are doing a range test out to sea out of busy airspace and away from swimmers and the worst that is going to happen is a four figure "kaplop" well ... I wouldn't do it because it's illegal and I like having my certification but it really is a "no harm, no foul" situation and I really can't see why there isn't provision for it. I think given time there will be.