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I can't seem to fly further than 3300 feet from controler


Oct 28, 2017
I am using a Galaxy 8+ and running Litchi. No matter where I seem to fly I can at best only reach 3300 feet from the RC before my connectivity bar signal indicators drop off, then to red, and then nothing. Any thoughts on the matter?
I've yet to try for distance in a rural setting without tall trees being within a couple hundred yards of my launch point. I have gotten the weak signal indication at about 2000 feet. I didn't push it out beyond that point to the point where the video signal started breaking up or where RTH was triggered.

I assume if I go to a site where there were no trees or development I could go farther out. Assuming the wind isn't a big factor how far out is it safe to fly and still return to your launch point with over 10% battery left?
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I depends on the wind direction. Some flights it may be safe to go more then 10000 feet but if you're heading into a wind on the way home then its a different story.
Been 6888ft in an open space before getting a weak signal notification. I knew it'd go further as the video was still crisp but decided to bring the Mavic back in.
What type of surroundings? Is it the city or are large trees interfering with the signal?
Both, roof top launch above most surrounding structures, and open topography with trees 75'-100' in height
I depends on the wind direction. Some flights it may be safe to go more then 10000 feet but if you're heading into a wind on the way home then its a different story.
I have yet to reach 10,000 feet. I am more concerned that my Mavic Pro may be experiencing a governor of sorts or a problem during production of the unit.
Both, roof top launch above most surrounding structures, and open topography with trees 75'-100' in height

I have yet to reach 10,000 feet. I am more concerned that my Mavic Pro may be experiencing a governor of sorts or a problem during production of the unit.

I'd find an open area, not off a buildings rooftop & see how far you can fly without problems. If your only getting 3300 feet then you'd know its a hardware or software problem instead of interference. If you determine its a problem with the drone then I'd change FW & recalibrate the IMU & compass. If that doesn't solve the problem then it may be a hardware problem & I'd contact DJI.
I've yet to try for distance in a rural setting without tall trees being within a couple hundred yards of my launch point. I have gotten the weak signal indication at about 2000 feet. I didn't push it out beyond that point to the point where the video signal started breaking up or where RTH was triggered.

I assume if I go to a site where there were no trees or development I could go farther out. Assuming the wind isn't a big factor how far out is it safe to fly and still return to your launch point with over 10% battery left?

I take in to consideration wind, trees, and tall buildings when flying. My LZ is always clear for landing and my RTH set above all known obstacles. I try to keep a clear vector between myself and the Mavic. I guess my next attempt should be in a large open field.
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I'd find an open area, not off a buildings rooftop & see how far you can fly without problems. If your only getting 3300 feet then you'd know its a hardware or software problem instead of interference. If you determine its a problem with the drone then I'd change FW & recalibrate the IMU & compass. If that doesn't solve the problem then it may be a hardware problem & I'd contact DJI.
Good advice! Thank you
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IMO, if you're planning a longer distance flight, you should try to position yourself so that your OUTgoing path is INTO the wind. If you do that, when your battery get down to 50%, head for home using the now DOWNwind condition to help you easily make it with plenty of reserve battery left.
If you fly out to 50% battery and then have to return home against the wind, you will be in deep pookie every time.
IMO, if you're planning a longer distance flight, you should try to position yourself so that your OUTgoing path is INTO the wind. If you do that, when your battery get down to 50%, head for home using the now DOWNwind condition to help you easily make it with plenty of reserve battery left.
If you fly out to 50% battery and then have to return home against the wind, you will be in deep pookie every time.

Understood through experience. There have indeed been a few flights that were close calls because I lost track of my headwind.
It's also good to check the wind at the altitude you'll be flying. The UAV app is good for that. The wind will be stronger 200-300 feet up.
I'd find an open area, not off a buildings rooftop & see how far you can fly without problems. If your only getting 3300 feet then you'd know its a hardware or software problem instead of interference. If you determine its a problem with the drone then I'd change FW & recalibrate the IMU & compass. If that doesn't solve the problem then it may be a hardware problem & I'd contact DJI.
It's also good to check the wind at the altitude you'll be flying. The UAV app is good for that. The wind will be stronger 200-300 feet up.
Just looked into it. UAV Forecast?
I am using a Galaxy 8+ and running Litchi. No matter where I seem to fly I can at best only reach 3300 feet from the RC before my connectivity bar signal indicators drop off, then to red, and then nothing. Any thoughts on the matter?
This will give you an idea of what ranges people are getting, with and without modifications.

Official Mavic Range Leaderboard
All very interesting, but can you actually see the mavic at that distance? Even with strobes that is pushing it. Has to be in sight to be legal in Australia.
All very interesting, but can you actually see the mavic at that distance? Even with strobes that is pushing it. Has to be in sight to be legal in Australia.
Sheeeeeeet, I can't see the Mavic when its 400' from me, the link was just information as to how far the Mavic can fly in ideal situations. No account for any regulation(s) or rules, just guys that have done some incredible flight distances.
I am using a Galaxy 8+ and running Litchi. No matter where I seem to fly I can at best only reach 3300 feet from the RC before my connectivity bar signal indicators drop off, then to red, and then nothing. Any thoughts on the matter?
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