Wow. Very cool. Thanks for the info. And you certainly know the area. Its a great area to fly minus all the attention you get. Most of it is people asking questions and complimenting how cool the drone is. They finally turned the fountain back on so thatll make for some great shots im sure.I was an air traffic controller at PIT for a while and you're well below the controlled airspace for PIT and AGC isn't a factor at that location. There is a lot of VFR lifeflight helicopter and news helicopter traffic down that way so just be aware of that. Again, you should be well below their operating altitudes in that location, but the key word is "should", so use caution. Also use caution because that location is at/near Heinz Field and PNC Park, which would be my suspicion for getting your warnings. As far as air traffic control and airspace goes you should be fine.
Thanks again!!