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I'm my own worst enemy and wrecked it again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2020
So I have the Mavic Air 2, have wrecked it twice and just did it again. Each time, I've sent in in for repair to the good guys in NJ but I've blown over $500 on 2 repair so far.

Im debating just selling this one off for parts (where would I do this?) along with its 3batteries. But I'd keep the smart controller and buy that newer smaller less than 249g drone.

Or should I just just repair this one?
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What are you doing to wreck three drones?
First two:
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Do yourself and your wallet a HUGE favor and sell the batteries and smart controller on Ebay Then use those funds to buy a tinywhoop so that you can crash. You are attempting to do things with a camera drone that should only be done with a drone.
First two:
Ahh thanks, at least the first two crashes have differing causes. Though perhaps a bit more caution wouldn't go amiss.

I wonder what the cause of the third crash was? Learning DIY repair might help with no gimbal repairs.
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So I have the Mavic Air 2, have wrecked it twice and just did it again. Each time, I've sent in in for repair to the good guys in NJ but I've blown over $500 on 2 repair so far.

Im debating just selling this one off for parts (where would I do this?) along with its 3batteries. But I'd keep the smart controller and buy that newer smaller less than 249g drone.

Or should I just just repair this one?
Don't do it!
I almost crashed 100x but so far only 3x! Just be super careful! You can do it :) And only [2x 100% my fault]
So I have the Mavic Air 2, have wrecked it twice and just did it again. Each time, I've sent in in for repair to the good guys in NJ but I've blown over $500 on 2 repair so far.

Im debating just selling this one off for parts (where would I do this?) along with its 3batteries. But I'd keep the smart controller and buy that newer smaller less than 249g drone.

Or should I just just repair this one?

"Yep! You can sell your old drone for parts. You should include information about the battery cycles and sell the controller, any cables, the power station, battery charger, and other related items. Used offer up, Mercari or Ebay.
Then, depending on your budget, you can buy a Mini 4 Pro, an Air 3, or even a Mavic 3 Pro. If you're a recreational pilot, you should consider getting DJI Care Refresh for two years, but make sure you get the 'plus' package, not the basic one. Since you have a history of crashing your drone, it's likely that you'll need it. Alternatively, you could buy a Drone U membership and take the Don't Crash Course. You can also consider taking courses at your local community college drone program to improve your skills. Lastly, make sure you get your FAA 107 if you plan to fly your new drone as a comercial pilot."
First two:
For what it's worth, regarding the rain: Early on, I bought a cheap drone just to see how I'd like it. Almost immediately the wind took it away and it hung in a tree in an unknown location for a month.... during which there were two hefty rainstorms. A neighbor found and returned it and it worked fine. I worked an an engineering place and the techs said that once dried out, a little rain might not hurt it and they were correct.

I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but I thought I'd share. I checked out the video from the crash, which is included here. Kinda funny, actually.
The Air 2 is pretty old tech these days. In my view you're throwing good money after bad at this point.

Sell it all, including the Smart Controller, and use it (with a little extra) and but a Mini 4 Pro with the RC2.

Better in almost every way than your A2, and having the world-wide regulatory advantage of being sub-250g.

Full disclosure: At the moment I'm a bit of a fanboy... mine just arrived Saturday. However, I've had both an A2 and A2S, and I'd take the M4P over both those birds.
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Sorry to hear that about your flyaway. I do have some suggestions for you.
Take a course to learn about drones. Before I started flying, I had no idea how drones worked, so I took a course from the National Drone School. It is a course study in flying, controlling, maneuvering, and FAA rules & regulations.
After going thru this course, you receive a certificate that states you are qualified for UAV flight.
I took the course in 2019, also it's a at home study course, study at your own pace, and check around for the best price.
Another option would be to take advantage of the courses offered on the Pilot Institute website. They have some free courses, and also some more advanced flying courses. I've purchased a couple of them and found them to be really good. The Drone Maneuvers Mastery class is quite challenging - I've not gotten thru all of the different patterns yet.

If you have a controller that is supported by it, using the DJI simulator software is a great way to practice to get some muscle memory and not suffer the consequences of crashes.
So I have the Mavic Air 2, have wrecked it twice and just did it again. Each time, I've sent in in for repair to the good guys in NJ but I've blown over $500 on 2 repair so far.

Im debating just selling this one off for parts (where would I do this?) along with its 3batteries. But I'd keep the smart controller and buy that newer smaller less than 249g drone.

Or should I just just repair this one?
For what it's worth, regarding the rain: Early on, I bought a cheap drone just to see how I'd like it. Almost immediately the wind took it away and it hung in a tree in an unknown location for a month.... during which there were two hefty rainstorms. A neighbor found and returned it and it worked fine. I worked an an engineering place and the techs said that once dried out, a little rain might not hurt it and they were correct.

I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but I thought I'd share. I checked out the video from the crash, which is included here. Kinda funny, actually.
This may not pertain to drones, but a decade ago, the city rain drainage system was overwhelmed and flooded my car. The main computer was under the floorboard of the passenger seat and got completely flooded disabling the car. The garage i brought it to put dehumidifiers and fans in the car for three days. After that, the car was good as new and ran for 50,000 miles more until i traded it in.
People get lucky and sometimes drones survive immersion but, aside from shorts etc., a big problem can be corrosion. Some of the metals involved in these drones can set up 'cells' with other metals and the result is electrolytic corrosion which can EAT some of the light weight metals, this is especially true if the drone goes into salt water.
Late reply back, thank you all. I'm probably gonna throw it on eBay. I've been wanting the smaller 249g drone anyway and I don't see an upside to keeping the heavier larger magic air 2.

But that said, someone mentioned the RC. big improvement over the smart controller? Im gonna look now.
But that said, someone mentioned the RC. big improvement over the smart controller?
If you're thinking of purchasing a Mini 4 Pro, then you'll need the DJI RC 2.

I really like mine. Prefer it over the standard remote controller since it's one less thing I need to carry/set up when I head out to fly. It's also pretty comfortable to hold.
If you're thinking of purchasing a Mini 4 Pro, then you'll need the DJI RC 2.

I really like mine. Prefer it over the standard remote controller since it's one less thing I need to carry/set up when I head out to fly. It's also pretty comfortable to hold.

...and DJI addressed the major shortcomings with the RC1 introduced with the Mini3P, making the RC2 a pretty good integrated controller.
...and DJI addressed the major shortcomings with the RC1 introduced with the Mini3P, making the RC2 a pretty good integrated controller.

I'm curious - what "major shortcomings" were fixed? The only shortcoming I'm aware of (other than not being able to sideload apps), is the limited CPU power - so a few things are a bit limited when you tax the controller. I've never found it to be lacking, but I probably don't stress it too much either. I've been extremely happy with my RC1.
I'm curious - what "major shortcomings" were fixed? The only shortcoming I'm aware of (other than not being able to sideload apps), is the limited CPU power - so a few things are a bit limited when you tax the controller. I've never found it to be lacking, but I probably don't stress it too much either. I've been extremely happy with my RC1.

To me the biggest limitation was the lack of internal storage. This was a major contributor to execution slowing down as the file system filled up from logs, etc.

External antennas certainly seems to have helped quiet all the ranges issues people were having with the Mini 3 and RC. Not seeing it with the Air 3 and Mini 4.

HDMI out supported on USB-C port.

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