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Interesting places to fly near Bromley?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Bromley, S.E. London, UK
Hi all,
I am looking for some interesting places to fly near to Bromley.
This is proving a bit difficult as it is within 5 miles of Biggin Hill Airport, and I'm too lazy to call the up for permission.
Anyway the places I have been so far are;
Parkfield Recreation Ground.
Jubilee Country Park.

Both are great for practice, but are a bit boring.
Also, Jubilee Country Park has a sub power station, which I am a bit wary of, as it may interfere with connectivity issues or flyaways. The one time I did fly there I got lucky and didn't have any problems.

So if anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Thanks very much.
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Hello from Bromley, I have idea to visit Greenvich park and Canary wharf area then weather condition will be better.
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Hello from Bromley, I have idea to visit Greenvich park and Canary warf area then weather condition will be better.
Be careful in London. 99% of London is a no-fly zone. Check threads on here, and research the places before you go.
Also I use an app called AirMap, which gives you all the no-fly zones, and is updates when special events are on, like football matches for example, where grounds become no-fly zones.
I do know that Haywoods Heath and Blackheath are safe to fly in. This can be found in a quick google search :)
Happy flying and let me know if you find any good places to fly :)
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Yes I have it, Bromley have airport near but still far away so no warnings are given then I fly, I am still learning so jusualy raise it verticaly up and make a panoramas...
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