So if the land owner states "No flying drones from my property" and you park your car on the landowners property and FLY YOUR DRONE FROM YOUR CAR you are violating the the rights of the LAND OWNER! Anything you do while parked on the property is controlled by the land owner/manager. That's like saying, "If I park my car in the courthouse parking lot I can do whatever I want (Drugs, illegal sex acts, crimes against nature etc) and it's OK because I own the car and I'm immune to any other rules/laws of the land. Remember you are ON their property even if you're not physically touching the land with your feet. SMH
Actually I didn't say that they did override anything, other than inside a vehicle that is
legally parked, there is an expectation of privacy regardless of where parked.
If you're parked on somebody else's property then either it is
with their permission which makes it legally parked there, or you are
illegally parked if it was
without their permission.
Your "rights" in your car do not OVERRIDE the rights of the actual land/property owner. If you are ON their land- standing, sitting, parking, kneeling, laying etc you are still ON their land and their rules of Land Use are in place and not an option.
Your rights
within your own property where you have an expectation of privacy are separated.
Here's an example, you have a van into which you cannot see from the outside. Your van is parked legally. Inside said van do whatever you wanna do that you could I would do at home, as in this common example you have an absolute expectation of privacy within that van. This should be obvious.
This expectation of privacy however does continue into other vehicles as well particularly with the windows closed, and so forth.
If you're willing to put your legality fully in the hands of a Chinese company instead of the Organization who is actually charged with creating, maintaining, enforcing the rules then the inherent errors are fully on your shoulders. There have been NUMEROUS (it's mind boggling how many) first hand accounts of the DJI Fly Safe being inaccurate. Just because it "appears" to be accurate in your slice of the country isn't really enough to make such bold and dangerous statements across the board.
Whatever. What are you putting your trust in? Some other app by some other developer? B4Ufly app as an example is missing all of the restricted areas over jails/prisons in the Southern California area which
are shown on the DJI fly app. This despite the fact the B4Ufly app is made under contract for the FAA by KittyHawk.
And as you are probably aware, those restricted "prison" airspaces are actually not restricted by FAA rules but locally, and based on the recent court case where the drone pilot was found innocent, probably cannot actually be prosecuted by the local governments. Nevertheless, the DJI app does indicate those restricted areas if you don't want to incur any imperial entanglements.
Wanna be safe, do what I do, get a copy of the sectional for the region that you're flying in. As a part 61 pilot, we can't take off in our aircraft unless we have the current sectional in our possession. While holding a sectional is not required for recreational flyers, it's the easy way to see and understand the FAA defined airspace in the area.